My Life is a lie. (Slight digitaltime)

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Before we start i want to say thanks to my mom and sister who helped me come up with this slightly "horrible" idea

and in my defense for the following 

trauma builds character 😊


No ones Pov {6:37 Am}

Tony was barley waking up and getting coffee to start his day.

Paige walked down the stairs a few minutes after to get tea

she sat at the table with tony as they greeted each other good morning

it was quiet for a minute or two so Paige tried starting a conversation

"soooo...... how's life?"

"What kind of question is that?" tony replied in confusion

"What! it's an important question" Paige said still waiting for an answer

"Well then...."

tony thought for a minute 


"hm... okay. How was babysitting Sally and Bay?" Paige continues

"Eh it was okay, I guess. luckily colin joined me, he's pretty good with kids." tony replied.

Paige noticed tony blush a bit when he said that.

"You really do love him, don't you?"

"Yeah" tony said as he took a sip of his coffee

"Well, I'm going to get the mail I'll be right back" Tony concluded as he got up of his seat

~smol time skip~

after tony got the mail, he was looking through it and noticed something for him. 

he opened the envelope and unfolded the paper just to see a address and the words 

find the truth

tony just looked at the paper in confusion 

Colin walked into the room and noticed tony looking at the paper so intense

"Uhm are you okay tony?"

"Oh Yeah I'm just a bit confused that's all"

colin walked towards him and looked at the paper.

"The truth? the truth of what?" colin asked

"I'm not so sure" tony replied

they both looked at the paper 

"Is there anything anyone is hiding from you?" Colin asked

"Not that I know of" Tony said as he looked back at the paper

"Maybe i should go to the location" tony said 

"But what if its dangerous?" colin replied

"well there's a reason this was sent to me what if the supposed truth is important" 

"i don't know it seems sketchy, I'll go with you." colin said 

"Okay then let's go" tony replied as he got up from his seat

When they arrived, it was an old house. No one was there except for the two

 "it looks creepy like if its haunted or something!" colin said in fear

"im sure its fine." tony said in reply but colin was still a bit scared

tony noticed this and didn't want colin to be scared 

"it's okay colin I'll be right next to you the entire time." tony said as he held colins hand

colin still felt scared a little but he trusted Tonys word

"okay then." colin replied

they walked into the house and just looked around to see this truth that was supposedly there

"i don't see anything" colin said

"neither do i. we should probably-" 

just as tony was talking he fell down some hole in the floor.


"TONY! ARE YOU OKAY?" colin said in fear tony had gotten hurt

"I'm fine... what's down here?"

it looked like a basement almost, but it was filled with boxes that has different labels

one that seemed to appear was a box with the label

the truth can hurt

tony approached the box and decided to open it

inside were files of missing children one stuck out. while all the files were yellow this file was blue.

tony looked at the file name.

it had his name on it.

he looked inside the file there was papers

he looked at the papers to see the first one read

woman claims that her child was stolen but police wont believe her

he didn't believed that this was real until he saw the next page

it had a photo of the woman and showed the birth certificate of Tony

it showed his full name and his birthday.

tony wouldn't allow himself to believe the documents 

he read all the rest of the papers all showing information of tony and how his mother had kidnapped him.

one specifically read that there were surveillance cameras showing the night he was token. 

tony was on the verge of tears reading every page. although he knew he didn't resemble his guardian, he was told that he was adopted not stolen. 

Tony saw all the proof he needed to believe the papers.

he fell to his knees and broke down into tears thinking of the life he was supposed to live and how things could have gone so differently.

colin had heard him and came down in a worry

"Tony? What's wrong!" colin said as he went to comfort tony

colin looked at the files he had in his hands. he was speechless at the news

"Tony... I think we should go."


Srry this is all I really have in my drafts that is finished rn.

Also thanks again for my sister and mom 😅

I might make a part two but idk

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