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Kie's POV:

*** TIME JUMP ****

Kie had her kook year and she ended her school year. Summer had officially started and I was dating Rafe. We've been together for four months. Sarah set us up and things were going perfectly.

I had seen JJ together with Kayla and I knew he was back to hooking up with her, not that I cared.

Tonight, was a party at the Boneyard. Sarah and I were getting dressed together. Rafe drove both of us there and we picked up Topper. He was Sarah's boyfriend.

We got there and went right for the booze. I was filling up a cup from the keg and someone bumped into me. It was JJ.

"Sorry" He said out of habit and then he realized it was me who he bumped into and he looked at me, like really looked at me

"Kie" He said softly

"Don't talk to me" I said walking away

"Please, can we talk?"

"Hell no, I have a boyfriend. Leave me alone" I said walking away and going back to Rafe

After a while, Rafe was completely wasted and I wandered down to the beach alone to watch the waves.

"Kie" JJ said coming up behind me

"Hey" I said back not looking at him

"I miss you" He said

"I see you've replaced me with me, Kayla. Must not miss me too much"

"Would you please just let me fucking talk" JJ yelled

"No, because you had the chance to fucking talk when John B and Pope walked in and found you on top of me. You let them call me a slut and a whore and you laughed. I'm not stupid, JJ. I felt it and I know you felt it too. It's been there for a long time, It's always been there. From the first night, it was there. Yeah, I broke all three rules, letting John B and Pope find out, ruining our friendship forever, and I fell in love with you. So no, you don't get to talk. You had your fucking chance! If you would have said something, maybe we would have gotten back to just the two of us, you would have kicked John B and Pope out and told them to fuck off, and instead, you would have told me you loved me and I would have said it back. Instead, you didn't do anything." I said pissed at him

"Please, Kie... Can you just come over so we can talk?"

"No, I'm not falling for that. I know what you're asking and my answer is no. Never again. I was stupid to think that our little arrangement ever meant anything to you." I said walking away from JJ and the beach

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Away from you!" I screamed back walking down the beach away from the party, into the darkness towards the cut

I kept walking and I didn't really care where I was going. I ended up on the cut, but on the sketchy side where Barry lived with all the other drug dealers. I have to admit, I was really freaked out, especially since I didn't have my phone with me. Sarah had it. 

They were all outside and one guy whistled and said, "Hey, sexy! Wanna come over?"

"Leave her alone!" I heard JJ's voice and he ran to catch up with me

He grabbed my hand and the guy said, "Damn, Maybank!"

"She's taken, sorry guys" He said escorting me through the cut 

We got onto the main road where we were out of sight and he asked, "What the fuck were you thinking going to that part of the cut?"

We approached his house and I said, "I was thinking that I wanted you to leave me alone and that I wanted to leave the damn party"

"Well, if I wouldn't have followed you who knows what trouble you could have gotten into"

"Thank you" I said softly not wanting to do it but I was glad he was there

"Come on, I'll take you home" He said walking to his bike

"Is your dad here?" I asked

"Yeah,  so please shut up before he comes out here" JJ said frantically but it was too late

"Hey boy, what the hell you doin bringing some girl home?" Luke yelled at JJ

"I'm not bringing her home. Just me bring her home to her house and then I'll come back alone, okay?"

"You fucking kid bringing home piece of trash pogues" Luke said

"Don't fucking talk about her like that" JJ said as he stepped in front of me and pulled me behind him to protect me from Luke

Except, I wasn't scared of Luke. I moved in front of JJ and I said, "I'm not a pogue, I'm a kook and unlike you, I actually care about your son. He's kind, he's loyal and brave, he's strong, and he is the best person I know."

Luke laughed and said, "There ain't no way you brought a kook home. She don't love you boy"

"Really?" I asked Luke as I grabbed JJ and I kissed him. It wasn't just a kiss, it was intense, with tongue. 

I pulled back and looked at Luke and said, "I love your son, so back the fuck up and don't even think about touching him"

JJ started his bike and I got on the back and he left once I wrapped my arms around him. He drove away from the cut and once we were far enough away, he stopped and pulled over and he got off his bike and he walked closer to the woods.

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