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Author's pov


No one dare to speak after that for complete
5 minutes

"YAYYYY ARE WE REALLY GOING TO TRIP"Jimin and soobin said excitedly
"Wait ,but Jun when you said to tae hyung about trip"bin asked
"No,I haven't said anything about the trip"Jun satarcasticly said
"You guys also taught about the trip,me and Suga hyung thaught about that few minutes ago"taetae said

"NO we aren't going anywhere"joon quickly said
"Plsssss hyung it's been soo long"everyone said
"Plssss baby it's been 1 year we haven't gon anywhere"chimchim said
"Yahhh namu hyung I also want to go to trip"lil kook said
"Plisss dda les po"mon said
(I have lil bit changed their ages)

"Okay but we are gonna come back quickly"
"Sorry hyung but we have reserved the hotel for one week"tae said before quickly standing and was about to run but he heard a loud voice


"It's okay joon we know that this was gonna happen so we have said to mr.lee to handle the company for a while week"Suga said

"Now does anyone have problem" tyun said but was soon flinched when someone throw a popcorn towards him to see that it was non- other than kai

Who was sitting in beomgyu s lap while throwing popcorns at others "baby don't throw the popcorns we should eat it not throw it, understood"tyun said firmly but soon laughed as he saw beomgyu giving him glares

"Okay end of the drama are we going or not I have to pack my clothes"jhope said
"and I also have to pack my clothes ,appa can we go to shopping then I have to buy some dresses and makeup"sof said(nickname of Sofia)
"Yes we can go sof"hobi said while patting her head

Everyone turned their head pleadingly towards namjoon
"Yes,okay we can go"joon said while sighing"but were we are going by the way"yeonjun said

"We have resort the hotel at the mountains"taetae said

"MOUNTAINS YAYYYYYY "Everybody cheered
"But we will need some clothes as it is the month of December there gonna be soo cold,right?"jin said
"Aaah we have searched about that,there wil be chances of snow babe"tae said

"Wait yeonha is only 6 months old do you think of that tae"jin worriedly said
"NO,we forget about that"Suga said while slapping taetae's arm
"It's your fault Yoongichi"tae said while slapping yoongi s hand

While they were busy slappping each other jin sat near soobin who is carrying yeonha in his arms and said
"Sorry soobie you know that they both don't have brain"
"It's okay jinnie hyung and yeonha will be okay"bin said while pecking yeonha s forehead
"You haven't eaten yet bin"
"I don't want to hyung I am lately feeling weak"
"Why don't you said to me soobie, should we cancel the trip"
"NO I mean no hyung ,I am gonna be okay"
"Then promise you will take care of both of you"
"Promise Jinnie hyung"quickly giving hug to his hyun

Jimin was seeing the whole drama went near them and wrapped his arms around them they both flinched but said nothing"jin hyung bin will take care of himself and yeonha he is responsible now,he isn't our little brother who used to cry"
" I know but-"before he could finish gyu came towards them and joined the hug"I am the littlest brother but know one cared about me"
" Yay gyu shut up we always love you the most"jimin said while wrapping his arms around gyu
"Yahh you 4 did you forget about me"hobi said
"Come hear hobi how can we forget about you"jin said pulling hobi towards them and pecking his forehead

The Choi brothers who busy hugging each other didn't notice the others

"Dada why are they hugging something happened"sof said to yoongi
"Baby nothing happened and there is no reason to hug someone,they are brothers sof if anyday you will leave your brothers or sisters won't you will cry"yoongi said to his princess while picking up her
"Yes dada I will cry but I will not leave them or this house"
"But princess One day you will this house with you prince"yoongi said while quickly wiping his tears
"No I will tell my prince to stay with appa and you and with everyone"sof said reaching her small hands to wipe her father's tears

They both heard sniffles around them to see only yeonjun while others went near him
"What happend Jun why are crying"tae said
"Yah should I call bin"joon asked while giving his brother a hug
"No let hi-m be ,I just hea-rd yo-ongi hyu-ng tal-king *sniffle*and the-n I tho-ug-ht of yeon-ha sh-e wil-l also lea-ve this*sniffle* ho-use one day w-ith her p-rince"he said while trying to wipe his falling tears

Everyone joined the hug tyun said"hyung she is only 6 months and you are thinking of that far"
Before he could answered "tyun being a girl's dad is difficult we always think that one day she will leave with her prince far away from her house"tae said while seeing maira playing doll house with sof and then quickly wiping the tear which was falling from his one eye
"Okay stop this or there will be soon river in our house"joon said jokingly earning laughs from others

The Choi brothers have heard the whole conservation of them then thinking how they left their house hobi quickly said"we should also visit appa and dad it's been so long" "yes hyung is right I also miss them "gyu said "okay we should visit them before the trip"jin said earning yes from others then going towards their husbands

Soobin who hasn't said anything since he was busy thinking of yeonjun s words he picked yeonha in his arms and quietly said "baby don't worry there is soo time about that and I won't leave you"giving a kiss on her cheeks then going towards his husband saying"Yeon we shouldn't think about that now ,okie".

Jun took a deep breath and then taking yeonha form his husband's hand"yes you're right there are soo many years for that "giving kisses to her then pulling bin towards him and giving him a long hug .

Others who were foundly watching the cute family hug

After few minutes they broke the hug and jin said "you guys are soo cute I am happy that my second lil brother has got the best husband out of you guys"earning yes from his brothers and glares from few

"I am also happy that my second lil bro has got the best husband to him all are soo nice and handsome living only one"tae jokingly said but he flinched when he heard

"THEN DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE FROM ME "Jin angryily shouted but has teary eyes then running towards their room and his brothers also followed him

"Dad you sleep on the couch tonight "lil kook said while quickly slapping his father's leg then going upstairs

"What did I do he always misunderstood me"tae said While slapping hard himself on his cheeks
Joon worriedly said" It's okay they are gonna handle him"pulling his brother in a hug

"I lo-ve hi-m soo muc-h hyu-ng but wh-yy beca-use of that one nig-ht eve-rything chan-ged and ko-ok he als-o ha-te me for t-hat"

-----------------( ꈍᴗꈍ)------------------
What happened that turned a beautiful couple into this (☉。☉)

See you in the next chapter(•ˇ‿ˇ•)

Total words-1347

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