"And here we are good sir's. Marshalls Map shop! I'll wait out here, you guys can go inside." Gracie said as she sat next to the wall.Igneous, Senn and Thalleous walk inside the shop. "Welcome! What can I help you with today?" The store man said as he was putting a chest away. "Hello, we'd like to purchase a map of Ardonia." Thalleous said as he stepped in. "Alrigh, that'll be 50 gold." Thalleous grabbed the map and looked at it, but the map was about Conchord. "Uh... Sorry but, this is a map of Conchord... " Thalleous said placing it down on the counter. "If you want all of Ardonia it's going to cost you double." The guy said to Thalleous, " Yes we want all of Ardonia, that's what we asked for." Thalleous said a little confused, "Alright, that'll be 200 hold." The guy said pulling out another map. "I thought you said it'd be double?" Igneous braid joining the conversation. "It's 200 gold pal." The guy said looking at Igneous with a displeased face. Then the door behind them opened and someone came in. "Welcome to Marshalls Map Shop, we've got maps of Ardonia for the price of 50 gold." The shop keeper says to the person who came in the shop. "Wait, I thought you said it was 200 gold." Senn said, now standing by himself but grabbed the table to hold him. "For you and your friends, it's 200. Now do you want to buy it or not?!"
Thalleous, Igneous, and Senn stormed out of the shop disappointment on what they just got from the shop keeper.
"Well Thalleous and Senn, I'm truly sorry about that. It might have been better if you guys gone in without me." Igneous said lowering his head "What happened in there?" Gracie asked as she got up from sitting down. "Well, people tend to act like that once they see a Magnorite." Thalleous came in the conclusion, "Igneous, it's okay. You didn't do anything, I can see that people don't trust Magnorites because of what they think they are when you are not like others." Thalleous said "This is ridiculous! How are we ever going to get to Ataraxia without a map?" Senn said. All seemed lost for the moment until someone spoke. "You can borrow mine for a moment." Someone said behind them. They turned around to see a girl with a map in her hands. "Really? Thank you!" Igneous said as he went up and grabbed the map in pleasure. "We appreciate it very much." Thalleous said "Merchants like to take advantage of young traveler's." The girl said "Are you a traveler? Senn asked, " For the moment. I'm tracking someone. He stole an Enderdragon egg from Etherea." The girl said "An Enderdragon egg?" Igneous asked "I believe we ran into one earlier today who had one." Thalleous said "You did? Where?!" "Not far. Just northeast of Biggerton. He tried to steal our horse." Igneous said crossing his arms. *That's him! Oh... Sorry, but I'll need my map back. Did you find the place you were looking for?" The girl asked as she turned back to grab her map. "We did, fortunately it's close by." Igneous said giving back the map to the girl. "Thanks for your help." "You as well." Senn said, they made eye contact for a moment until she turned and left. "What a nice person, shame we didn't even catch her name. Oh well off to Atataxia!" Igneous said as he started walking. Senn could now walk by himself, but Thalleous was by his side just in case.It was night and the sun will soon berising, and Igneous, Thalleous, Gracie, and Senn were at the other side of Atataxia but they just needed to cross a river that they didn't see in the map.
"According to the map, Atataxia should be on the other side of that mountain. I didn't notice this river though... not quite sure h ow to cross. Huh, that's funny, there's no rode leading to the city." Igneous said. Thalleous walked up to the river, with Senn behind him, Gracie stayed next to Igneous. "Uh Senn Thalleous Gracie? Another thing about Magnorites, just a little something... um... I don't think we can swim..." Igneous said. "Oh... I was about to say that 'we should swim' but I can see that." Thalleous looked a little disappointed, until they heard a splash of water, they turned to see that it was a guardian come out. "Oh look at that! It's a Guardian!" Igneous said as he ran next to Senn and Thalleous. Gracie walked up to the three of them. "Are they friendly?" Senn asked "I think so... " Igneous said Thalleous turned around starting to walk "Well if we don't know we should stand-" Thalleous was stopped by a Lazer beem being pointed at Senn, which was pulling him in the river. "Ah Thalleous!" Senn yelled as he was being pulled but the Guardian "Senn!" Thalleous turned fast to him and grabbed his left arm, with Igneous grabbing Senn's right arm. "I've got you Senn!" Soon the Guardian stopped and dove back into the river. Igneous let go of Senn with Thalleous doing the same. "I guess they're not so friendly after all. It's going to take more than that to take my friend!" Igneous said "We should go and find another way to cross." Thalleous said.
But than four more Guardians showed up, and this time they were ready "Oh no-" Gracie said as the four Guardians zapped at Senn with the Lazer and pulled him in the river. "Senn!" They yelled as he was pulled in. Without saying a word Thalleous dove into the river. "Thalleous!" Gracie yelled, but it was to late Thalleous had already went in. Igneous saw the look in Gracie's face like it was saying 'I'm going in' but before she can get closer to the river Igneous stopped her, "No, Thalleous got's this... Right?" Igneous said with a worry expression.Senn found himself under the river now and it was dark. Senn tried to swim upwards to the surface but was stopped by a Guardian making him swim deeper into the river. He saw Thalleous swimming towards him and Senn was doing the same by going to him, but they were both stopped by two Guardians who forced them apart. Senn went even deeper until he found himself in a some sort of Temple. Then that's when he lost site of Thalleous. Suddenly he felt something behind him, Senn turned around to be faced with a one eyed Guardian that looked much like the Elder Guardian. They both made "eye" contact for some seconds until the Elder started to steer at Senn so strong, it feels like he was going inside his head. Senn started to feel his head spinning in circles to where it came to the part where he started to remember all the things he has gone through and hearing voices, from when he got pulled into the river, when he was in pain from the wounds that the Voltaris had given him seeing Tygran walking to Thalleous, the attack at Sendaria, Thalleous coming to help him from the wounds, the teleporting becon, Thalleous telling Senn where he had came from, to the last moment he had with Ria, but when remembering it he heard a voice saying 'who's child is this'. Soon Senn went back to reality to where he was under the water. Senn felt as if he were going to black out until he felt something grab him and pulling him to the surface. Soon Thalleous and Senn were out and on land. Gracie and Igneous went towards them, "Thalleous! Senn! Are you guys alright?" Igneous asked them "Yeah, I guess." Senn said coughing a little. "Are you ok Senn? What happened?" Thalleous asked helping him to his feet "I... I don't know... They just suddenly let me go." "That's... I don't know what to say... 'Strange'?" Gracie said. Then Timber snorted. They all turned to see a bridge forming in the river "Huh. I guess we're clear to pass! Come on." "Uh wait! We don't exactly know if it safe Igneous!" Gracie said, but the Magnetite had already stepped on the platform and started to walk to the other side. Soon Timber followed behind.
( If Thalleous Survived the attack at Sendaria) Songs of war
Adventureif Thalleous survived the attack how it would have happened. But in a more darker way -------------------------------------- This has Thalleous and Senn as a Father and Son Bonding :3