What If's

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~Matt's POV~

Brit was asleep when I got back to her house, so I started talking to her parents about everything that was going on. We talked for about two hours, and I went and checked on her a couple of times to make sure she wasn't crying in her sleep or something. The last time I went to check on her there was a knock on the door downstairs.

I walk downstairs and look outside the window to see Josh impatiently waiting at the door. Brit's mom came running along with her dad and I opened the door and started in on him.

"What the actual fuck do you think you're doing here Josh? She doesn't want to see you." I yelled while her mom was holding me back.

"I just want to explain what was going on that night." He said rubbing his head.

"Bro get the fuck out of here." I yelled again walking closer to him. I then hear a voice come from behind her mom.

"What's going on?" Brit asked.

"Nothing please go back inside." I said as she just pushed passed me.

"Leave before I call the cops." She said walking right back by me and into the house. After that he left and we went back inside. Brit had this look on her face as if she was thinking really hard.

I sat by her and asked what was wrong and she just looked at with her mind racing with questions I could tell.

"Matt can we go in my room and talk?" She asked. I nodded and walked upstairs with her. As I followed her to her room I could tell this is something serious she wanted to talk about. All I could think to myself is 'I hope she says she feels the same way I do'.

Brit's POV

After seeing and dealing with Josh I got an idea; maybe Matt and I could 'fake' date to make him jealous I just want to see what Matt has to say first. I mean I really do like Matt I always have I just don't know how he truly feels about me. He's always treated me like a sister... I swear I was in love with him at one point when we were kids but he started seeing other people so I did too. Well here goes nothing.

We get to my room and he sits down in my desk chair while I sit on my bed.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He asks spinning around in the chair.

"We'll I had sort of an idea but now that I really think of it, it may make things complicated." Matt just looked at me confused but also concerned.

"We'll spit it out." He said laughing and sitting up in the chair.

"We'll I was thinking what if we decided to 'fake' date and get him off my back, but now that I am thinking about it my feelings for you may grow even stronger and I'm not sure that we want that." I said as I put my head in my hands and look at the floor.

Matt chuckled and just looked at me, after about 5 minutes of him just looking at me he stood up.

"Do you really think after everything we've been through since we were kids that I wouldn't have feelings for you? I mean hell Brit if you didn't like a girl I was with I left her for that reason, I've always came to you after a break up because a girl didn't like the fact that we were so close. You've been my rock for the longest time." I just sat there staring at him with big eyes and my mouth wide open. At least he has feelings for me maybe this was a better idea than I thought. Matt started to talk again but at this point I just wanted to hug and kiss him.

"I have always been there for you after a break up and this honestly is where I draw the line. It's always gonna be me and you against the world Brit whether it's together or as friends, but I would rather it be us together. There's no need to 'fake' date when we can actually date and be happy about it. You deserve to finally be happy and there's nothing I wouldn't do to see you smile every day. So please just go out with me." At this point he knew it was a lot thrown at me so he took my head shake yes for an answer. I was unable to speak, to know how he actually felt was amazing. I stood up motioning for a hug and he pulled me in tightly and I looked up at him knowing I was now with the kindest person I had ever met.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna let me kiss you?" He said looking down at me. I just smiled and he leaned in to kiss me but that was a short lived moment as my mom came knocking and walking into my room.

"Brit, Matt we are heading out to the concert are you guys.... Oh I guess you will be okay, Matt I know you like her and you may even love her but please take care of my little girl." My mom said as she caught us mid kiss. We both just laughed as she walked out of my room.

"Now where were we?" Matt said leaning in again. When we kissed I felt nothing but sparks and butterflies, it was the best feeling but I hope I don't get hurt.

At this point all I can think about is what if we end up together, what if he ends up breaking my heart, what if after all that we have been through everything is a lie.

Matt's POV

We walked into her room and she began to ask to 'fake' date and my heart sank but then she said the magic words, "Now that I am thinking about it my feelings for you may grow even stronger and I'm not sure that we want that." I just sat there looking at her in awe of the situation but also confused because she had never shown that she had feelings for me it was always the other way; unless she showed it in different ways. I finally stood up and began to explain my feelings for her.

"Do you really think after everything we've been through since we were kids that I wouldn't have feelings for you? I mean hell Brit if you didn't like a girl I was with I left her for that reason, I've always came to you after a break up because a girl didn't like the fact that we were so close. You've been my rock for the longest time." She sat there staring at me with wide eyes her mouth wide open.

"I have always been there for you after a break up and this honestly is where I draw the line. It's always gonna be me and you against the world Brit whether it's together or as friends, but I would rather it be us together. There's no need to 'fake' date when we can actually date and be happy about it. You deserve to finally be happy and there's nothing I wouldn't do to see you smile every day. So please just go out with me." I knew it was a lot for her to take in so she shook her head yes and I happily took that for an answer.

She stood up and motioned for me to hug her. I gently pulled her in for a hug and she was just staring at me like the happiest girl in the world which I hope she is right now I've said it before and I'll say it again I'd give anything to see this girl happy.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna let me kiss you?" I said looking down at her, she just smiled and I leaned in but then there was a knock at the door. Her mom came in saying they were going to a concert but it was what she said at the end that I will always remember.

"Matt I know you like her and you may even love her but please take care of my little girl." She said walking out of her room. I would never in a million years hurt her or put her in harms way.

"Now where were we?" I said leaning back in. When I say sparks flew I mean they freaking flew, the butterflies were a different type of feeling almost as you're about to get sick but its good feeling. The only thing on my mind right now is what if she only said she has feelings for me just to make Josh jealous. That would break my heart in an instant.

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