What Happened?!

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We got out of the car and all the windows are broken there are about 12 to 15 beer cases on his lawn and his house is vandalized. Josh stared at his house in shock.

"I can get you knew windows. My dad does glass work for a living but for now let's pick all this up and power wash the spray paint okay?" I told Josh and he just nodded. Lexi and I where still in our dresses but we didn't care. We finally got everything picked up and the spray paint off the walls thank god the inside was okay and nothing was touched I called my dad and he said he would be over in the morning to fix them and to be home before 5:30 tomorrow evening.

"I can't believe someone would do this to my house." Josh said breaking down. He fell to his knees and started crying so I ran and sat next to him and all I did was hug him we didn't say anything we just hugged. He finally stopped crying and we went inside and sat down in the living room and watched t.v. for a few hours until Josh finally spoke.

"You guys I think we should get some sleep." Josh said as he got up from the couch and made his was to his room.

"I'll just change and sleep here he needs to be alone." I said to them only to have Josh come out of his room and pick me up and throw me over his shoulder,

"You thought I forgot about you didn't you?" Josh asked me taking me to the room. I just laughed.

"Maybe but my clothes are in there." I said smiling. Josh walked over to his dresser and threw me a shirt and sweats.

"Here just sleep in these I know you're tiered and don't want to walk so I'll wait outside the door okay." I nodded and watched Josh walk out the door. I quickly changed and opened the door and stood outside so he could change only to be asked so many questions by Chloe and Lexi. About 5 minuets later Josh comes and opens the door signaling me to come in. I walk in and lay down on the left side of the bed. I text my mom and dad good night and then I turn off my phone and lay it on the night stand when I and joined by Josh.

"Good night Beautiful." Josh said as he kissed my forehead.

"Good night Josh." I smiled and soon drifted off to sleep.

~Next Day~

I woke up to an empty bed and yelling coming from outside. I got up and walked into the living room to find everyone gone and outside. I walk outside and see Josh and Dylan fighting and Kyle trying to break them up.

"Josh stop you're making her cry!" Lexi said and that's when I noticed that I tears streaming down my face. They both stopped and Josh walked inside and slammed the door thank god it was 9 in the morning and the cops weren't called on them. I noticed my dad had already been here. I walk back inside and grab my bag and go and change. I put on a pair of denim hip wasted shorts and a high low crop top and white vans and threw my hair in a messy bun. You could see my bellybutton ring but I didn't care. I walked out of the bathroom and walk back to the living room and sat my bag down by the door.

"Kyle can you and Lexi take us home?" I asked Kyle quietly not wanting Josh to hear.

"Yeah let's go." He motions us out the door. Chloe was just about to close the door when Josh stopped it.

"Where are you guys going?" Josh asked clearly upset.

"Bri needs to be home." Kyle says. I walk up to Josh and hug him.

"I will be live later okay I'll guest you." I said looking at him.

"Okay see you later." Josh said smiling.

~Skip car ride~

I got home a little after noon because we stopped and ate breakfast. I have been texting Josh non-stop since I left Chloe left a little after we got back because it was time for her to go home. I am now getting ready for the dinner that I have with my parents. I put on my white lace dress with 2 navy blue stripes at the bottom and my white wedges. I straightened my hair and put my perfume on grabbed my phone and purse then walked downstairs to be greeted by a familiar face.

"Bri I haven't seen you in forever." He said.

"Oh my god Matt i've missed you so much when and how did you get here?" I asked hugging him.

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