Is This Really Happening?

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Matt's POV

I saw Britney run outside after coming out of the bathroom, so I followed her.

"Britney what's wrong? What happened?" I asked her as she kept crying.

"Josh... he's inside... with another girl... I saw them kissing." She said while crying. 

" I'll fucking kill him." I said and walked back inside.

I've never seen her so upset before and that's honestly what enraged me. Seeing her like that really hurts me and it breaks my heart that someone would do that to her. I start scanning the restaurant to see if I could see Josh somewhere and low and behold, he was sitting right by the bathrooms with the girl I assume he was kissing although he didn't look too thrilled to be there. He is really about to have a rude awakening though I can promise you that.

I start to make my way to him when he looks up and we make eye contact. As soon as that happened his facial expression dropped even more, and he motioned for us to go outside. He stood up and started walking towards the exit and I followed. When we got outside, I let him have a chance to talk.

"I really fucked up." He said looking at the ground kicking the small rocks on the ground.

"Yeah man you really did, but I am going to take her home and do everything I can to fix what you just broke." I said.

Josh looked up at me with the 'how could you say that' look along with the 'go to hell' look.

"You can't possibly think that I'm gonna let you near her after what you did tonight. That girl was head over heals for you and you blew it by cheating on her." Josh was then in my face.

"You think I'm gonna give up that easy? Not gonna happen. Who the hell are you to her anyway I know she doesn't have any siblings." Josh said

"Listen I've known her a hell of a lot longer than you have, I'm her best friend for crying out loud. She will never trust you again not after tonight, who is that girl? Some random you picked up or someone you've been seeing or talking to for a while? Tell me Josh who is she?" Josh then backs up and goes to swing but stops when he sees Britney run in front of me with her parents behind her.

"Matt lets go, he's not worth it. I clearly made a horrible mistake in being with him. Josh Matt will bring me to your house to get my things first thing in the morning." She said walking away with her arms crossed. 

"You can't be serious right now. You mean everything to me and you're just gonna throw it away like that? Wow." Josh said.

Britney turned around and walked back over looking more furious than sad.

"I mean everything to you? Is that so? I obviously don't or you wouldn't be here with some random chick. If I mean everything to you, none of this would have happened right now, so please don't ever try and contact me again and just keep on with the hoe you're with." At this point the girl that was with Josh is outside listening to the whole thing go down.

"Excuse me but I have a fucking name and it's not 'hoe' it's Allison." The girl scoffed and walked over to Britney as if she was ready to fight, let's hope that's not the case because I've seen Britney fight and it won't be pretty.

Britney's POV

In my head I thought 'this bitch really wants to fight after I caught Josh cheating on me with her!'

"I really don't care what your name is." I said looking at her while Matt walks up beside me.

"She's not worth a fight let it go." Matt whispered in my ear.

"I didn't plan on fighting her I'm not about to ruin a perfectly good dress on some skank let's go." I said walking off but this bitch just had to open her mouth.

"Skank you've got to be kidding me, at least I wasn't cheated on. It's probably because I let him hit and you didn't." She said laughing.

"I didn't open my legs for him because unlike you I have morals and look for things other than sex in a person, but thank you for pointing out that you are in fact a whore not a hoe." I said turning around. Matt and even my parents busted out laughing at this point.

"WHORE?! YOU REALLY WANNA CALL ME A WHORE?! Allison screamed while running over to me. Luckily fighting is something I'm good at. She swings and grab her hand before she can even hit me.

"You picked the wrong person to pick a fight with bitch. If this wasn't a public place where I can literally go to jail for fighting you I wouldn't even hesitate to put you on your ass. So let me think, do I put you on your ass anyway for trying to hit me and claim self defense or do I let you go?" I said.

"I pick option.....1." I said her my knee collided with her face. Luckily the cops weren't called due to it being self defense.

"You stupid bitch you made me get blood on my dress." She said holding her nose.

"You really should have thought about that before trying to fight me and stealing my now ex have a nice night." I then walked off and got in the car.

"You didn't even break a nail I'm shocked." Matt said getting in next to me.

"If I would have broken a nail because of her it would have been a lot worse." I said as tears start running down my face again.

"I just can't believe any of this happened tonight, I really wish it didn't." I said as my parents get in the car and drive off.

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