Chapter 7

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Ross POV

After I got into my car at In-N-Out I wondered something. Should I go get her phone number or what?

I see her walking close to my car. I quick grab my phone and run after her.

"Charlie hey wait up!" I say

"Oh hi Ross we were just talking a few minutes ago." says Charlie

"I know but I have one question to ask you." I say

"What is it?" asks Charlie

"Do you wanna go out sometime?" I ask

There is an awkward silence.

"Um....Sure I would love to!" says Charlie

"Ok awesome!" I say

She grabs a post it note from her bag and writes her number on it.

"Here. Call me sometime." says Charlie giving me the post it note

"I will. Bye Charlie." I say

"Bye Ross." says Charlie

We both walk to our cars and head our separate ways.

I think I found the perfect girl for me.

As I drive home I imagine us going to Laura's wedding.

She would be so jealous.

As I pull in the driveway Rydel and Ratliff run outside to my car.

"Ross Ross hurry up something is wrong!" says Rydel

"What is it?" I say getting out of my car

"Laura is in the hospital." says Ratliff

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