Game Of Survival

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* third person POV*

Bots surround the grounds of the forest - the princesses guide the villagers to safety as Bow shoots his arrows all over the place - joined by Mermista and Perfuma's powers. 'Come on, let's go before they - Adora!' Bow shouts as the blonde charges at the bots defenceless. She leaps and grunts as she tackles them - barely dodging a laser blast. 'For the honour of-' then remembers that she can't transform. 'Oh.'

Bow shoots at them and they explode. 'Adora!' he calls firmly. Another set of bots surrounds her - she ignores his and Mermista's calls and attacks them anyway, striking them down one by one. 'Gotcha!'

This continues for a while - her tearing the bots apart and stomping on them repeatedly. Horde Prime is looking at the scene from his ship - playing it on the monitor over and over again. ' Well, who are you?' he muses, intrigued. A flicker of a smile crosses his skeletal face.


*your POV*

You and Catra stand in one of the many white corridors of the ship. Everything looks eerily clean and identical.

Her tail rustles back and forth - gazing ahead at nothing. 'Catra,' you start, 'I'm so glad you're alright.'

She doesn't answer - just glares at thin air. 'What happened back there?'

'How would I know?' she huffs - sinking back into her defensive ways.

'You saved Glimmer,' you start gratefully, 'you probably saved me as well.'

A cry issues from the corner. Glimmer's in her holding cell - hurling blow after blow of her magic against the screen to no avail. 'Hey! Is anyone here?'

You've been told to await orders and not to talk to her.

'Someone answer me!' she shouts achingly.

Catra's eyes narrow - momentarily sad. 'I saved myself, okay?' she snaps, 'and you need me, so - just stay close to me, alright?'

You do what she says - hoping that she's not completely heartless. And even if she is, it's somewhat attractive to you. She steps back around the corner and you follow her - disappearing into the darkness.

You bump into a few clones - their luminous green eyes are looking down at you mechanically. You shudder and clutch onto Catra - who looks right up at them without flinching. 'Horde Prime requests your presence,' one of them announces, 'you must go to the throne room at once.'

'Glory be to Lord Prime!' the other says patriotically. You and Catra look at each other, then proceed to the cursed room. You wonder what's going to happen to you - what he's going to say. 'Don't show any fear in front of him,' Catra warns out of earshot, 'and let me do the talking, okay?'

You agree - still on edge but glad that Catra is handling this. You've always admired her ability to take control - how dominant she can get. She's protecting you - no matter how much she's denying it.

You reach the room. Catra inhales as she steps in before you, you coming in behind. 'Lord Prime?' she asks, walking forward to the throne and bowing. You follow her lead. When he doesn't answer you peer up - invisible voices are whispering and his eyes are glowing supernaturally. Catra glances at you for a beat and dares to get closer, 'huh...?'

His eyes snap alive and he looks down at her - 'Catra.'

Catra jumps back and hisses.

'That is your name, is it not?' Prime taunts knowingly, then turns to you. 'And Y/n, your little helper.'
You hesitantly look up - remembering what Catra told you. He turns his attention back to her. 'I have been reviewing the memories of my defective brother,' he speaks, 'It seems he had very little love towards you at the end.'

Star-Crossed - Catra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now