Space Buns

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You all rush to the control room and Bow starts tinkering with a spherical hologram. 'What's going on?' Adora asks. 'Sensors picked up Horde ships on our tail,' Bow says, 'they're coming straight for us.'

Your face paralyses. All you can think about is Catra in the other room. On her own. Whilst she dies with no one by her side.

'It's gotta be a coincidence!' Glimmer babbles, 'Prime can't track this ship.'

Then you think about it: The chip. 'Actually...'

'Well, is there somewhere we can hide until they're gone?' Adora asks. You begin to dislike her interruptions and see that Catra was right all these years.

'Look!' Entrapta points excitedly with her hair, 'it's an asteroid field - it would be so fun - I mean - a great hiding spot. But, Bow said I couldn't fly into it.'

'Asteroids,' Bow murmurs, 'ship. Falling apart.'

A piece of panel breaks from the ship and crashes on the floor. You wince and hope Catra's bed doesn't do the same. What if you find her there dead? You want to check on her again and never leave.

'Well, nobody has a better idea so it will have to do,' Adora declares, walking over.

Bow reluctantly presses some buttons and the ship starts beating, He bites his gum and powers through the asteroids anywhere.

You can't help thinking you are all going to die out here.

You don't want to die next to Adora. You want to die in Catra's arms.

You take this as a chance to go and find Catra in her room - clawing at the chip on her neck and hyperventilating. She sees you and makes no effort to hide her pain.

'Oh, Catra...' you mumble, testing the water and sitting by her. She continues to grip at her head, 'make. It. Go. Away,' she grits.

You stroke her hair with the palm of your hand, pausing over it and massaging it with both. 'Any better?'

'Still in pain,' she whines, 'but... yeah. Keep doing that.'

You continue to stroke her head. She grunts - maybe out of pain - or arousal. Or both. 'Don't stop,' she groans.

You want to rip the clothes off of her and screw her gay.

'Do you like that?'

She pulls you in by the shirt, 'do it harder.'

Just at that moment the door swings open - Adora and Entrapta barge in, the last people you want to see right at this minute. Adora looks horrified and Catra lets go of your shirt.

'What's she doing here?' Catra snaps, then spots Entrapta and shivers, 'I told you, I want to be alone.'

Adora steps forward assertively, 'Y/n is here! Besides, Entrapta is going to remove your chip.'

Entrapta jumps up and flings her mask over her face - Catra leaps back. 'You're going to let her operate on me?' she seizes your arm in fear, 'she'll kill me!'

'Me?' Entrapta questions, lifting her mask up, 'why would I wanna hurt you? Ooh, you mean because you and Y/n sent me to Beast Island, stole my work, and used it to rip a hole in the fabric of space and time? I get it,' she says, getting out some sharp tools, 'hold tight!'

Catra jumps into your lap, 'stay away from me!'

'Catra!' Adora says angrily, 'Horde Prime is tracking your chip. He's coming for us right now, so grow up and let us remove it, or we're all dead.'

Star-Crossed - Catra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now