Random scenarios (while we wait)

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No cute scenarios come in mind, so here are some random ones while motivation comes back to me.

In the meantime, you may request a scenario, or a specific character in a scenario.


Custard III: Mommy!

Pure Vanilla: Do I seriously look like your mommy?


Herb: Hey, what's in that glass?

Sparkling: Orphan Tears.


Vampire: I'll take 5 glasses of that, please.


Dark Cacao: I'm sorry, I do not know how to laugh.

(5 minutes later)

Hollyberry: *spits out water*



A Spider: *chills*


Madeleine: Do not fret, my love! I shall be your knight in shining armor!


Strawberry Crepe: You're so slow and dumb, Licorice! You can't even win a fight with a worm!

Dark Choco: Licorice, don't-

Licorice: Santa isn't real, Crepe.

Pomegranate: Oh no.

Red Velvet: Here we go again.

Strawberry Crepe: MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sparkling and the rest: *chilling*

Custard III: *walks into the bar*

Sparkling: Custard, with all due respect, this place isn't for kids. You must le-

Custard III: A king must have access to places!


Vampire: *is drunk*

Y/n: Do we call his sister?

Sparkling: No, I think he'll be okay.

Vampire: The Fitnessgram pacer test is a multi-

Sparkling: You know what? Call his sister. I'm done.


Dark Enchantress: I AM WHITE LILY COOKIE!

Rest of the ancients: *gasp*

Pure Vanilla: I knew it.

Also the ancients: *more gasp*


Lilac: My master is an idiot.

Scorpion: Why?

Lilac: He gambled all his treasures away and now he's wondering what happened.

Scorpion: I told you to think twice before accepting the contract. Now this is your problem, not mine.

Lilac: *visible confusion*


Y/N: Clover, I have to go now.

Clover: Oh, okay. Have a good day.

(5 minutes later)

Clover: *plays his ukulele* Why did you leave me? I'm still here wondering-


Herb: Y/nnnnnnn

Y/N: ?

Herb: I love youuuuu

Y/N: I love you too.

Herb: So can you stop reading the book and pay attention to me?


Dark Choco: Who is she?

Red Velvet: Who?

Pomegranate: You know, the one who always hangs out with you.

Red Velvet: I don't get it.

Strawberry Crepe: They mean your girlfriend.

Red Velvet: Hey Mom, tell them to shut up. They're bothering me again.

Dark Enchantress: Shut up.

Strawberry Crepe: No fair! He's your favorite! He always gets away with everything!


Y/N: Rougefort.

Rougefort: Hm?

Y/N: Can you please let go of me?

Rougefort: No. I want you all to myself.

Y/N: Lord Crumbles. Help.

Lord Crumbles III: Meow.


Affogato: Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Affogato: Do you still love me?

Y/N: Of course I do.

Affogato: Then why were you talking with Caramel?

Y/N: Because she's my friend?

Affogato: Tch. Good answer. I crave attention, Y/n.


Onion: *starts crying*

Poison Mushroom: Um...do you want a shroomie?

Onion: *starts crying harder*

Poison Mushroom: Daddy! That didn't work!

Licorice behind the bushes: Try calming her down with words!


Strawberry Crepe: *insulting Dark Choco and his father*

Dark Choco: *stands up*

Strawberry Crepe: MOMMY!!!! DARK CHOCO HIT ME!!!


Dark Enchantress and Pure Vanilla: *chatting*

Strawberry Crepe: You're motherless. Haha.

Custard III: And your fatherless.

Strawberry Crepe: W-wha-?

Custard III: Checkmate.


Corny jokes ik. I'm not the best comedian, but ehhh.

You have your scenarios. 


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