Chapter 1

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I storm down the RE stairs and march straight through the front gates, banging every door open on the way. Once I am through the gates I run directly to the school's riding stables. It is only then that my anger starts to die down and the tears start coming. Huge sobs erupt from my throat and soon my face is soaked with tears.

I'm still crying when I reach the field Lightning is in. My vision has become blurry from the tears, but I manage to open the gate before I collapse on the grass crying. All the things Miss Harroway said and everything that happened to Jack, comes flooding back.

A minute, or an hour later, I don't know how long I lay there crying, I hear footsteps coming towards me. Slowly I sit up and saw Molly walking into the field carrying a head collar and lead rope.

"Marnie, what are you doing in here?" gasps Molly.

"Hello to you too Molly ." I mutter.

"Oh sorry, hey Marnie." replied Molly.

Lightning snorts and plods over to us.

" Hey Lightning." I whisper, reaching up to stroke his muzzle.

"Why are you here Marnie, aren't you meant to be in school?" asked Molly.

At the mention of school fresh tears run down my cheeks.

"In RE our lesson was about death and miss asked us to write about someone we know who had died. While everyone else was writing I was sitting there wondering how to start my piece of writing. After a few minutes miss asked everyone to stop. Then she asked me to read mine out. I panicked and stormed out of the class and came here."

For a while none of us say anything; Molly put her arms around me and I cried all the pain away. 25 minutes later my friend Lily crept into the field .

"Hey. Are you alright?" Lily asked me.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"We're going to be late to PSE if we don't go now." Lily told me.

"OK." I said while.

Lily held out her arm and I pull myself up. Then we said goodbye to Lauren.

"Bye Molly." We both called out.

"Bye Marnie! Bye Lily! Oh no, look at the time! I need to get Jupiter groomed and tacked up in ten minutes!" cried out Molly.

Me and Lily laughed and then ran off to PSE.

We arrived to PSE just before the bell went.

"Hello girls. Please take your seats and then we can begin the lesson." Mrs Green says.

We quietly go to our seats and get our stuff out. While miss does the register me and Lily talk quietly.

"What are you doing after school tomorrow?" Lily whispers.

"Going to the stables, why?" I asked.

"I need to but my sister Charlotte a birthday present." Lily says.

My time at the stables is my favourite time of the day, but going shopping with Lily sounds fun.

"OK." I answer.

Then miss finishes the register, gets out of her seat and the lessons begins.


This is the first story I've ever published on Wattpad! Please vote and comment if you like it, I would love to see what you think of it. Also, do you Marnie? Goodbye everyone.

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