Chapter 3

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After I put on my dress, I put my hair in a ponytail ( if you have short hair, you can leave down) I put on the black flats and walked downstairs. As I made myself to the door that leads to outside, I took a deep breath and walked outside.

As I made it outside, It was pretty nice and I was just about to grab a plate until a girl with curly hair in a ponytail walked up to me

" you must be Y/n huh?"

" uh, yeah?"

she held out her hand and said " name's Dolores, nice to meet you."

" y-yeah.. you too."

As we shook hands, she smiled at me and said " wanna sit by me and my brothers?"

" uh... I guess?"

" okay, I'll see you."

As I turned around to grab some food, I felt something landed on my shoulder, I turned around and saw a Tucan smiling at me

I gave it a glare, because I think I knew what he's doing.

" No, Don't you dare! If you do, I'll turn you into Hot wings."

The Tucan gave me a confused look, he squack at me

" wait... your not going to it?"

it shooked his head for no

" then why the hell are you giving me that  Freddy Krueger smile?!"

" Because I told him to." said a little boy who looked like the age of 5 " I wanted him to make you feel welcome."

" oh, well, thank you." I smiled  as the bird flew away from my shoulders, I went to grab an Apera, then a drink, and went to sit down.

As  Dolores joined me, she said " did you really mean you'll turn Antonio's bird to Hot wings?"

I turned to her and said " you heard that?"

" yes, I have the ability to hear things from millions of miles ( if I got that wrong, please let me know) it's my gift."

" That's cool." I smiled 

"  I also heard that you have a gift, and your gift is Butterfly wings? right?"

" Yes." I replied

" Can I seem them?" Dolores smiled as she grabbed my shoulders

I laughed awkwardly as I moved her hands from my shoulders and replied " uh, later."

" Everyone, can I make a announcement?" Abuela said softly as she snapped her fingers, which caused everyone to turn to her.

" I would like to have two things to say, one, we have a new friend staying with us, and her name is Y/n L/n. Please stand."

As I stood up, I waved at everyone and sat back down to eat my food.

" And the second announcement is Dolores will be married next weekend."

I almost choked on my Apera, Dolores? getting married?! she's so young! But I applaud for her anyways.

Dolores smiled as she waved and everyone started to eat their lunch.

As I was taking a sip of my F/d, a boy with curly hair tapped on my shoulder and said " hey, I'm Camilo and welcome to the Casita."

" Thanks." I said, as I got up to put my empty dish in the house. As I entered to the Casita, I put the plate and rinsed it out. I went back outside to relax on the porch.

I closed my eyes of the cooling wind as my hair blows, then until I heard a child screaming

I quickly opened my eyes and yelled " WHAT'S UP?! WHY YOU SCREAMING?! IS THERE A SPIDER ON MA HAIR?!"

I turned around and Antonio was pointed my back and squealed like a dolphin " YOU HAVE  BUTTERFLY WINGGGGGSSS?!"

" what you-"

I turned around and saw my W/c flapping slowly. Aw.... fack.

Antonio ran up to me and jumped up and down while yelling " YOUR WINGS ARE SO PRETTY! CAN I TOUCH THEM! CAN I GET ON YOUR BACK TO FLY?!"

Dolores gently pulled the crazy kid from me and said calmly " Antonio... please don't overreact."

" sorry." Antonio chuckled softly " I'm sorry.."

" It's fine." I laughed " That's what the kids said the same thing too.."

" But your wings are pretty." Dolores said softly " do you mind if i...."

As Dolores was about to reach for my wings, a memory of Mr. Jackson hurting my wings came back to me. I grabbed Dolores's arm and yelled "DON'T. TOUCH!"

Dolores gave me a shock looked, everyone was staring. I let go of Dolores's arm and muttered " oh, s-sorry..."

" I-It's fine.."  Dolores smiled, as she laughed awkwardly, then we all stayed silent. I turned away and said " I'm going out to fly for a while."

Then I launched up to the air and flew away from the Casita

( The Madrigal's P.O.V)

As Y/n flew away, the Madrigals  wonder what was wrong? because when she yelled,  they could see fear in her eyes when Dolores touched her wings . they wonder... was it something bad? they  turned to Abuela who witness the whole thing.

" Come on in," Abuela said softly " Everyone, I want to talk to you guys something important."

As the Madrigals  walked in to the kitchen, Abuela took a deep breath and said " The reason why Y/n yelled at Dolores was because she spend her life in a Laboratory.."

The Madrigals were mad/shocked/upset.

" she... what?!" Mirabel whispered of shock

" yes, she was taken by her family at the age of 4 to stay in the Laboratory, they did terrible things to her.."

" What should we do about this?" Julieta asked worried " that poor girl..."

" I know what should we do." Luisa said softly " LET'S HURT THEM!"

" No!" Abuela yelled, trying to calm Luisa " Let's give them some time... and if that man comes back, then we'll do some hurting."

" But how are they going to find her?" Mirabel asked, as she put her finger on her chin " like, they are from thousands of miles from here or somewhere?"

" Mira, hon, they could have put a tracking device on her, they'll probably find her.... and take her to that awful place..."

The Madrigals stopped, then they realize, They gotta protect Y/n from them! they were talking about how or what to do to protect Y/n. Then Camilo raised his hand and yelled " HOW ABOUT WE ASK Y/N TO LIVE WITH US AND MAKE SURE THAT SHE NEVER LEAVE OUR SIDE!"

The Madrigals stared at Camilo, then Mirabel shrugged her shoulders and said " I agree."

" Me too." Isabella and Luisa said together, then everyone agreed, and even Abuela

" Then it's settled, Y/n is staying with us, forever!"

~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~

Mariposa~ Yandere Family Madrigal X Fem! Butterfly winged! Reader #wattys2022Where stories live. Discover now