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  Selected: Proposal

  "Ready, Shuichi?" 


   "Tell me how this sounds, alright? Ahem! 'Harumaki, light of my life, would you do me the extraordinary honour of becoming my wife?'"

   Saihara frowns at the grinning idiot standing in front of him, fiddling with the small velvet box. "Um. . .Kaito, you just said you wanted to become her wife. Is that what you meant to say?" He points out awkwardly.

   The purple-haired boy winces. "Ah!" He grins, snapping his fingers, "Great catch, Shuichi, as usual. I was just really proud of the rhyme, y'know? Hey, do you think we could get Maki to say that?"

   "I don't- I don't know. . ."

   "Alright, then let's try again then! Hmm. . ," Momota aggressively strokes his goatee, ". . .Shuichi, I don't know what to say."

   The ravenet pinches the bridge of his nose. "Alright. Try not to stress too much about it. You don't want to ruin a life-changing moment by something bad happening because of stress, right? Just like, keep it simple. Tell her what you like about her, why you fell in love with her, and then just ask. Remember the worst she can say is 'no.'" 

   Immediately, an image of Harukawa smacking the ring box out of his hand, laughing in his face, and stabbing him in the middle of a public place flashes through his mind. He shudders and mutters, "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

   "There's no reason for her to say 'no,' you know," Saihara says, gentler now. 

   Momota sighs loudly. ". . .'Maki will you marry me?'"

   Sometimes it's best just to keep things short, sweet, and straightforward.

   And sometimes doing that is hella lame.

   "Maki, you have the prettiest eyes and the longest hair, and when you smile, it lights up a room, and you set my heart on fire and-"

   "Nope," Saihara interrupts, "It's kind of creepy when you gasp it out like that."

   The taller boy pouts.

   "I'm sure that when the moment comes, you'll know what to say," Saihara glances at the clock, "You should get going, though. You don't want to be late to pick Maki up."

   Kaito's eyes fall to the clock, and his eyes widen. "Ah! You're right; I've gotta go!" He frantically tucks the box in his pocket, hobbling toward the door, "Wish me luck, Shuichi!"

   "Ah-Good luck!"


   Harukawa gives the man in the driver's seat a suspicious look.

   "You seem more jittery today than usual," Harukawa gives him a scrutinizing look, "Why."

   Momota audibly gulps. "Haha, no reason, Maki roll. Say, is it hot in here? I think it's hot in here-" He reaches for the A/C button but finds his wrist caught by the brunette.

   "Chill out," She orders.

   "I'm trying, but you're not letting me turn up the-"

   "What are you so nervous about?" She demands, "Idiot. Do you have another surprise planned or something? If so, I would've dressed differently. . ."

   Harukawa runs her hands along the skirt of her crimson dress, staring at her lap.

   "You're dressed perfectly, Maki," He's quick to assure her, "Like always. Nothing's changed; we're just going to have a nice dinner and then walk around a park. Does that still sound okay to you?"

   A nod. "Excellent. Then there's no reason for either of us to be nervous!" He lies with a big grin.

   Harukawa reaches for the A/C button and turns it up. 


   They're back in the car after a lovely, satisfying meal. 

   "I figured we could walk around the Downtown Park; still sound good?"

   It better be; it's where Koizumi and her camera's waiting.

   Harukawa nods, and Momota lets out a silent sigh of relief.

   "Okay, swell, swell. Want to sleep over tonight? No, not like that-get that look off your face! I just meant to like hang out or watch a movie or something. Doesn't that sound all nice and cozy, Maki roll?"

   She smiles slightly, hugging her arms. "Yeah, it does. . .It actually sounds really nice."

   "The rest of the night is going to be amazing," Kaito promises, "You have my word as the hero of this story!"


   'We're almost to the spot,' Momota's eyes flicker nervously from the surrounding vegetation and back to the causally chatting Harukawa, 'I need to find a leeway into my big, grand romantic speech!'

   "So that short idiot goes up to the counter and-"


   The brunette furrows her brow, making an odd sound in the back of her throat. "Okay, seriously, what the hell is wrong with you tonight?!"

   Koizumi pokes her head out from behind a bush, camera in hand. She gives Momota a slight nod before getting into position to take some killer shots.

   "Nothing, really, nothing. Just, I. . .Uh. . ."

   Harukawa frowns. "Come on, Kaito, out with it," Her eyes soften, "I don't like having to be worried about you. . ."

    He takes both of her hands in his and squeezes them tight.

   Momota takes a deep breath. "I love you, Maki roll."

   ". . .I love you too?"

  "I think you're the one for me-no; I know you're the one! I want to spend the rest of my life by your side! So, uh, that's why, uh. . ."

   He takes a step back, pulling the box out of his pocket before dropping to his knee, presenting her with the shining, sparkling diamond ring.

   "So whaddya say, Maki? Will you marry me?"

   The brunette sharply averts her gaze, blushing furiously.  

   ". . .Of course, I will." She mumbles.

   Momota's eyes widen. "Really?! You will?!"


   He's back on his feet in an instant, pulling the girl into a bone-shattering hug, only pulling away to finally, finally slide the piece of jewelry up her ring finger.

   "Is this why you were so nervous?" She asks, a smile on her face.

   He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. "Well, yeah, actually," He admits, "I think everyone's nervous about this sort of thing, though. It makes sense to be scared. Everyone should be wary but excited for the wondrous, great unknown!"

   "Hmm. I guess you have a point." She agrees before tugging him down into a kiss.

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