Act 2

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~Map Table~

Back at the map table, the team waits for Adam and Tani to bring back the blueprints for the hotel.

Chase: ... You know Tani's married, right?

Dax: What makes you think I'm thinking about her right now?

Danny: Because she's hot.

Jinja: And we all know the way you think.

Dax: Oh, do you?

Chase: And to answer your first question, she had a wedding ring on her finger.

Dax: What's that supposed to mean, huh? Just 'cause she has a wedding ring on isn't a guarantee she's got a man at home. She could be separated. The ring could be her own way of paying homage to someone for all we know.

Bren: Keep dreaming, lover boy.

Dax: You keep leaving your game at home. I like having the dessert table all to myself.

Tani: *Comes in with Adam and the blueprints* Hey, guys, check it out. The computer room at the city planning office may be caved in, but the room storing the paper files is still standing.

Lincoln: *Finds a particular blueprint* Here it is. Sub-basement four. This is where the scientist said that there were 16 of the 17 survivors still trapped.

Jinja: I wonder who the lone guy is.

Chase: If anything, he's probably somewhere upstairs.

Bren: Six hallways, 18 rooms. That's over 5,000 square feet. And they could be anywhere on that level.

Danny: If they're still alive.

Lou: Well, they're dead for sure if we don't try to find 'em.

Lincoln: Well, I'm not saying we shouldn't try, I'm just saying the total manpower's stretched thin as it is. And search and rescue is a slow, careful process.

Chase: Yeah, it is, when you don't know where you're looking.

Danny: That's our point, kid. We don't know where we're looking.

Jinja: Well, not yet.

Bren: A police radar gun would help.

Lou: *?* Radar gun? To find people trapped in a building?

Dax: Just get on the horn, get the radar gun, okay? Gonna be the best decision you made all day, trust me.

Lou: ... *Smirk* Okay then. *Pulls out his radio* Anyone got a 20 on a police car?

~Network Station~

Junior: This clearly isn't the first time you've hacked the firmware on a router.

Lucas: First time? No. Stopped counting when I was 12 or 13.

Junior: *Chuckles* Glad you two are with the good guys. With those kinds of skills, you could be very dangerous.

Haruna: Oh, you have no idea.

~Medical Station~

Ayako: *Jealously watching* (Back off, Bruno Mars. You're not her type. I hope.)

*Dog whimpering*

Ayako: *!* Hmm? *Looks around* What was that?


Ayako: Where is that dog?

Searching the area, Ayako hears the whining coming from a pile of rubble behind the station. To her surprise, after moving some rubble, she finds a whimpering dog, who is unable to stand.

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