Act 3

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~Core-Tech Industries~

Wondering what the building really is, the team calls in Jeredy to look it over.

Jeredy: According to my sources, that building you're at is in fact a real hotel. It's the basement levels that we should be wary of.

Chase: Why is that?

Jeredy: The DoD calls that Facility TG7. The basement levels house an off-the-books DARPA lab conducting top secret research for the US Government.

Lincoln: So, the people trapped inside are all DARPA scientists?

Jeredy: Correct. Some of America's best and brightest are currently trapped 40 feet underground.

Danny: Yeah, except the triads weren't going down to the labs. They were going up.

Jeredy: That's because in order to prevent DARPA's top secret projects from getting into the wrong hands, the scientists house them in a vault, located in a room on the fourth floor. That room is also a front for the facility. Normally, it's ultra-secure, but after a major earthquake, with the power out, and with the city sent into chaos...

Dax: These guys seize the opportunity to steal a pretty dangerous new toy.

Lou: Any idea what they're after?

Jeredy: Not really. DARPA records barely admit that this lab exists, let alone describe the projects that they're working on.

Jinja: Okay, well, up is a very dangerous direction to be headed right now. So, if these triads are willing to take on that big a risk, it's gonna be a big reward.

Adam: Which means whatever they were after, bad things are gonna happen if they leave this island with it.

Jeredy: Well, then don't let them. I'm gonna go make some more calls. If I get information, I will get back to you.

Chase: Understood. *Hangs up*

~Masterson Hotel (Wreckage)~

Bren: So, what's the plan? Split up?

Chase: Seems likely. We can cover more ground. One team goes after the scientists down below, another goes up to the fourth floor. Maybe, we'll find Survivor #17.

Danny: You do know that's what people say in horror movies right before something terrible happens, right?

Chase: Yeah, but I mean, we've got two big problems, and both require our immediate attention.

Lou: Okay, well, I'll stay here and monitor you guys.

Dax: Considering the fact that we're also dealing with a triad that I used to hang out with, this is where Jin and I would be most useful. *Turns to Chase and Bren* And you're the last chance that those scientists are gonna have.

Chase: Fair enough.

Lincoln: Alright. Tani, you and I follow Chase and Bren. Danny and Adam, you're with Jinja and Dax.

*The team splits up*

Bren: Hey, we're not done talking about this birthday, Dax. If you don't die, we're gonna have a lot to celebrate.

Dax: Can't hear you.

Chase: Yeah, you could hear him.

~Medical Station~

Kumiko: If you're in pain or need medical attention, please move to this side of the tent and a doctor will see you as soon as possible.

Ayako: And if anybody knows who this dog belongs to, I'd appreciate the info.

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