First day

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"Yasmin! YASMIN!"

The early morning shouts ring in my ears. I must have missed the alarm.

I wake up, feeling so sleepy that i can barely keep my eyes open. I didn't get any sleep last night. Or the night before for that matter.

Today's the first day of my high school life. You hear me right? HIGH SCHOOL!

High school as in the time people in tv shows suddenly glow up and find boyfriends. The time when their life that sucked so far starts to get better.

I know better than to expect the same thing to happen for me but i can't help but hope it will.

I'm supposed to be non vegetarian. And I guess i used to be, since i used to have eggs every morning before going to school.

But now i can't even stay in the same room as them. I HATE the smell of eggs. Unfortunately, my brothers seem to love them. And they eat a lot of what they like. A LOT.

There's some construction shit going on over the place my school bus used to come so i kind of have to walk a long way for the next bus stop. Wait did I say walk? I meant RUN.

My brothers and I run with everything we've got because the bus is already supposed to be here.

"Fuck." I overhear my little brother mutter.
"What did you say?" I stop and ask.
Both of them stop too, panting hard.

"Huh?" He says between the deep breaths he's taking. "We'll miss the bus, let's hurry-"

"Did you just swear?" I ask, raising my voice a bit.

His eyes widen. My other brother glues his lips together to stop from laughing.

"No, i didn't." he says quickly. Way too quickly.

"We already talked about this. Why won't you listen to me?" I say trying not to lose it.


I don't let him finish. I take a hold of his ear and pull on it. He screams. Loudly. I don't even twitch my eye because I'm kinda used to it by now. No one's around at this time so i don't need to worry about anyone hearing him scream.

"Repeat after me." I tell him.
"I will not..."

"I will n-not-aah stop pulling so hard-"

"....Swear without reason." I loosen my hold a bit.

"s-s swear without rea-reason." he finishes.

I smile. "Good boy." And remove my hand from his ear. "Now run."

And we do just that. We run like our lives depended on it. I mean, i guess it kinda does. Considering how my mom will kill me if i miss the bus again.

We get to the stop but the bus isn't here. Oh no, please tell me it didn't already leave. We're all breathing really hard. And I try my best to not just jump infront of a car.

That's when we hear it. The honk.
I jerk my head around and see it.

The bus. It's here.

We all run again and board the bus. Thank god, i really didn't want to get an earful from my mom today.

I walk down to the four or fifth seat and sit on the right sided double seat.
Our bus has three-seaters on the left and two-seaters on the left.

My stop is one of the last ones. So it's one of the only ones left. And i prefer to sit on the seat that's more towards the front. Or so i pretend.

When You're Just The Best Friend | a romance storyWhere stories live. Discover now