Episode 3: What Is That Thing

550 14 4

Warning: gory details



Warning: may be cringe

Takemichi's pov

The fight ended, leaving Kiyomasa in defeat, badly beaten and a victory for us. By now it was night, and everyone left the premises, except for my friends and I. We decided to stay a little later to hangout. Akkun started to patch me up with some bandages, looking at me with concern.

"You know you didn't have to take such a hit for us," he said in a hush tone. Looking down in shame, I felt an uncomfortable pit form in my stomach.

"I know, Akkun... but I just... wanted us to be free." Makoto lifted my chin gently and said, "But Michi, you didn't have to go to such lengths as to getting your fine as- I mean your ass beat..."

I looked down, feeling tears trickle down my face. I felt multiple arms around me, hugging me close. Whispers of their voices surround me, and I quietly sob in Makoto's chest. I looked up face covered in tears, snot, and the left-over bruises from the fight. I whispered, "I'm sorry". Akkun wiped my tears, while Yamagishi rubbed circles in my back. 

"It's alright Michi, you meant no wrong"

"Yeah, it's Kiyomasa's fault. Don't be sorry, okay?"

"Okay..." "Now let's talk about the deal with the invincible Mikey aye"

"Yamagishi's right, he showed you some massive respect, and the way he beat up Kiyomasa with his famous kick? Damn."

"That's true. He even called you 'his bitch'! That must mean special treatment." 

My face heated up rethinking what happened with Mikey, the kiss, look in his eyes, and his... gentle touch.... 

"Michi? Takemichi, hey you good?" I snapped back out of my trance, blushing madly. 

"u-uh, yeah, I'm good." 

 "Are you sure? your face is all red." Akkun placed his hand on my forehead. 

"Ya I'm fine, don't worry."

"Okay, we're gonna head out now, wanna come with us?"

 "Of course, Akkun." I gave him a small smile. I see Akkun and the other have a tint of red on their faces, but I brush it off and continued to walk with them.

caution gore ahead...

Narrator's pov: 

 As the boys were walking, far up ahead in an alleyway nearby, a Corapican lurks waiting for its next meal. Unfortunately, on the opposite end coming towards to the boys was a businessman walking home from a long days of work and a snobby boss. He was overworked and underpaid, his rent was way overdue, and on top of that he had a divorce to pay for. There was no luck in this world for him and now, and it's about to get worse. Getting closer to the alleyway, he hears low growls and stirring. He thought nothing too seriously about it, but suddenly an empty can of soda was thrown from nowhere in particular, making a loud clink! as it did. His eyebrow raised in confusion, thinking it might be a rodent of sorts, so he stopped walking and turned towards the alleyway. Squinting his eyes and leaning closely, He peered into the darkness ahead of him. He was about to turn and leave when, out of the darkness, a clawed hand reached out and violently snagged him. He screamed in horror and pain for a moment, then all was silent, for he had been relieved of his head. Blood gushed like a fountain, the nerves still alive in his head cause the poor man's adrenaline to spike and his eyes looked around wildly, watching his dying body writhe in desperate manner. His lips twitched as if trying to speak, while blood seeped through his teeth. (Fun fact: a human head can still function after being decapitated, but only for a short minute or two. The actual body has consciousness for only 15 seconds.) The Corapican began feeding on the flesh of the dead man's head, eating skin and bone. 

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