Episode 4: The Battle has Begun

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" Talking "

' Thinking '

Warning: cringe and gore

No one's pov:

The monster growled with its fearsome eyes, Nico and Takemichi looked at each other and nodded giving the sign ready for attack. Takemichi ran at full speed toward the Corapican, with blade in hand. He angled it making it shine and lunged an attack, the beast moved as well causing a missed hit, but that didn't stop Takemichi. He just chuckled within himself, getting back into stance, stretching his body and applying pressure on certain point, then launching his whole body as if it were a bullet. One moment he was on the ground next he was flying in the air. On the side lines Nico was dodging the Corapican with his violin case along with protecting the doofus squad.

"Jesus Makoto, could you give it a rest with the iron grip hold"

"Well, sorry that, that thing is attacking us and you're the closest to me"

"Guys, I think we should calm dow-"

"NOT NOW TAKUYA" both Yamagishi and Makoto yelled in sync,

"Jeez just tryin to help -_-"

"It's alright Takuya their just scaredy-cats"

"Nuh uh'

"Ya we're not scaredy-cats"

"If you're not scaredy-cats then why are you both shaking like helpless kitten, I bet Takemichi would be laughing his ass off looking at you two.", Akkun smirked at them both, he knew both of those idiot liked Takemichi. So he used that knowledge to make fun of them and it worked. Their face of distraught looked way funnier than when they were about to piss themselves.

"Takemichi would never and we are not afraid, right Makoto"

"Ya in fact we'll show you that we aren't right now"

"Ya... wait what?!"

"Who has a make shift flame thrower thingy that I can use"

"Makoto none of us have anything to make a make shift flame thrower besides what the hell is a flame thrower gonna do to that man eating monster"

"Burn it duh 🙄"

"I hate to inform you but burning a corapican does not kill it instead it's feeds off it, so I suggest not burning it"

"Fuck, well that's out of the plan maybe a sacrifice and it will leave us alone. It did want Yamagishi sooooo heeeeeyyyyy you're the chosen one man"

"Wtf no way in hell am I getting sacrificed again?!"

"Come on it be a noble thing to do"

"Since when did Makoto know about noble things", Takuya whisper to Akkun.

"Beats me, he probably doesn't know what it means and just threw it out there", Akkun whispered back, Makoto whipped his head towards them with a small scowl.

"You know I can hear you both and for your information I do know what it means"

"Oh tell us what it means then"

"Uh guys maybe let's talk about this later" Takuya said as he slightly trembled of course the others didn't hear him or so maybe did and just ignored him.

"Okay I will tell you what it means, it means-"


They all turn their heads towards Takuya who now got their attention, but that only thing that got their attention. The corapican what full speed charging towards the group. Each of their eyes widened and began to run except for Yamagishi who was paralyzed by fear. Makoto grabbed Yamagishi by the collar and ran like a chicken who had his head cut off, while screaming at Takuya.






Inserting coconut mall song ...

Mean while...

Nico starts to smack the shit out of the Corapican sending it to fly into a wall. Takemichi took the opportunity to slice its neck with an X mark, leaving it to bleed out. Flailing a round it gagged on its own blood then eventually with its past few movements it laid to rest. Takemichi's eyes began to lose its glow. He swayed side to side trying to keep balance but failed to and soon he collapsed on the floor, passed out from exhaustion. The four friends that once were running in fear from a monster were now quickly rushing by the side of their beloved friend/crush.

"Hey! Nico or what ever what happened to him"

Nico sighed as he knelt next to Takemichi's small (as in skinny) form and said "The use of his powered drained him. He hasn't used it in a long time, so his body isn't used to it."

"Oh, I see that's kinda how I feel after leg day in gym class"

"Only you would say that Makoto"

"Anyway he should go home to get some good rest on a more comfortable surface."

"Alight, we'll take him home and thanks for saving our butts back there"

"No problem and take care, give this Takemichi when he wake up, and tell him it's a number from an old friend."

Akkun looks down at the paper, "Huh, why say from an old friend?",He says as he looks back up, but Nico is no longer there. A whisper from the wind says ( I'm never gonna dance again jk)

"All will be revealed in due time"


I'm back bitches with some inconsistent chapters, haha take that depression any who next chapt may also be awhile, but bare with me please, love ya byeeee <3

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I'm back bitches with some inconsistent chapters, haha take that depression any who next chapt may also be awhile, but bare with me please, love ya byeeee <3

Next chapter: What the Hell!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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