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In my previous life I may have be a better, happier, more fun person than I am in this one. I might have laughed at all your jokes and made your day a hundred times better with just one word. Heck I may have even asked any guy that I liked at the time out on a date. But now I can't move or function without thinking of him. Thinking of the one person that makes me nervous and calm at the same time. The email that's been rewritten a million times but will never get sent.

It's like when he's not close by, all I can do is think of him. When he is close by, I keep envisioning the way I would get his attention. Yet, not once have I ever actually try to get him to notice that I was even alive. Every time I tried my feet got stuck to the ground and my voice disappeared.

It's not like a guy like Mark would ever go for me anyway. He's way too perfect for me. I guess I'm stuck dreaming of being loved by someone as beautiful as him. Beautiful on the inside and out, absolutely flawlessly beautiful.

Still I wonder when I'd get up the courage to ask him out or actually send the email that's never finished. Or never good enough anyway. When would he be my perfect Valentine? I'm positive that he's my one true missing puzzle piece. God I hope I'm not wrong. Maybe I will actually talk to him one of these days. He's the reason for my complete and total happiness, but also the greatest downfall for ridding me of the confidence to talk to him.

He is what could make me happier than anything else but also the persons that could lead to my most depressing time yet. Though I've been through many depressing states in my life. Let's hope that he doesn't reject me or make a fool out of me.

A/N: Hope that everyone enjoyed this. And to the two guys that this is for, you know who you are, I really hope that you liked it. There is definitely more of this to come and it is a special thing for me to do because I love both of you and am so happy to be apart of this amazing milestone in your lives!!

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