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       Gentle chimes filled the room as the clock finally read 8:00 pm

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       Gentle chimes filled the room as the clock finally read 8:00 pm. The team had all entered the room. Marjorie sat between Gideon and Mr. Davenport as she turned to the latter to give intructions.

"Remember," she began, "keep your voice calm and agree with everything he says."

The tension in the room thickened as they waited for the phone to ring. Marjorie could see Mr. Davenport becoming more and more visibly anxious.

"He's late," he said.

"He'll call," Hotch told him, "Just try to relax. This is his strategy, he wants you on edge."

Finally, the phone rang. The Attorney moved to sit on the edge of his chair.

"Remember to repeat any important information he gives you to make sure you understand. Try to keep him talking, to reveal something about Trish or about himself," Marjorie explained before clicking the answer button in the machine.

The unsub's voice came through the receiver as he spoke with Mr. Davenport. The blonde agent listened intently in order to process the situation. Then she was caught off guard.

"I want to talk to her," The kidnapper demanded, "I want to talk to Cheryl."

Quickly, Marjorie pressed the mute button, looking to her fellow agents for advice. Most agreed that it was a bad idea to put her on, but Elle thought otherwise.

"No," Gideon said.

Marjorie sighed, "I agree with Elle. The more he speaks the more he reveals."

The older agent was adamant though. As the unsub kept pushing, Gideon called Elle over. She tried to impersonate Cheryl to the best of her ability, but the unsub was too smart for that.

"I have Patricia by my side. I know her voice, therefore I know her sister's. Get off the phone. I want Cheryl. I will give you 60 seconds and if I don't get Cheryl by then, you will never hear me or Patricia again," The unsub threatened.

With that, Marjorie stood up, beckoning Cheryl over. The young girl came forward and sat in her dad's chair. Marjorie leaned closer to her. "Ok, this guy's arrogant. Let him know he's in control, let him guide the conversation. Use your sister's name. Say, 'my sister Trish' or 'her name's Patricia.'"

The kidnapper counted down in the background as the agent spoke.

"Talk about her," Marjorie continued, "Let him get to know her through you. Don't veer off topic. Tell him that you understand him. And, as hard as this sounds, empathize. Let him know that he didn't mean to hurt Trish, that he didn't mean to go this far, and that he can fix it. He has a chance to show that he is a kind and forgiving person by letting your sister go."

Cheryl nodded nervously.

"And if you don't know what to say, I'll tell you," the young agent finished, reaching over to unmute the machine.

THE VERY FIRST NIGHT. . . aaron hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now