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A week had passed and still no response from Hotch

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A week had passed and still no response from Hotch. No word from Elle either. In the back of Marjorie's mind, she knew it wasn't over, but she tried to ignore that thought. She wanted to move on.

The past year of her life had been chaotic to say the least, and she was ready to slow down. She thought she might finally be getting that. At least until she heard the elevator ding followed by a familiar red tie out of the corner of her eye. Looking up, there was Aaron Hotchner in the flesh. He approached her desk hastily.

"Could I borrow you?" He asked.

Marjorie hesitated in confusion, "Um... I have to check with my boss—"

"I already spoke with her."

"Oh... okay."

He gestured with his head back towards the elevators, "We'll walk and talk. I have to be on the Jet in 10." Then he set off. Marjorie scrambled out of her chair to follow him, grabbing her purse.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Elle had a mandatory psych evaluation this morning. She never showed up," Hotch explained as he pressed the down button outside the elevator.

Marjorie scoffed, "So you did get my voicemail."

"Sorry for not calling back. I've had a lot on my plate."

"Mhm," The woman nodded as they stepped into the elevator.

"Listen, we have a case in Texas—small children being murdered. Elle has been MIA since I met with her yesterday about her status in the bureau. I would go track her down myself, but given the urgency of our case, I feel like I should be there. Plus, we both know she'd respond much better to you being the one to do it."

"Do what exactly? You want me to follow her? As in stalk her? Agent Hotchner, I don't think that's a very good idea—"

"I'm asking you to find her, not follow her. And I know I'm not you're boss, so you don't have to listen to me.... but it would mean a lot to me. We both care about her. Please help me with this."

"I don't know, Hotch."

"I'll do it myself if you don't, but I really think it'd be better otherwise."

She sighed as the doors opened "Fine, but I'm doing this for her, not you."

They stepped out, "Thank you. I can't express how grateful I am. I'll owe you a favor."

"Yes, you will," then they parted ways—Hotch towards the airstrip and Marjorie towards the parking lot.

The thought of what she was about to do made her sick. But she'd already agreed. Plus, she too was still concerned about the brunette.

THE VERY FIRST NIGHT. . . aaron hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now