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After finishing their breakfast, they left and headed to tae and kook's house. Jungkook was confused on why the heck he don't have his own house or apartment, whatever, he's a CEO, right? Then why is he staying with him? Not in the wrong way but he's confused.

"Why do we have to live with each other?" Jungkook asked as he sat down the couch. Taehyung turned to him.

"Uh, i-i don't know, you're the one who wants this kind of concept- uh, you were the one who told me we should move with each other." Taehyung said, jungkook just nod, looking around.

"W-why? Is there anything wrong? Y-you don't like me staying in here, anymore?"Taehyung asked, a faint and sad chuckle escape his mouth.

"Ah no no, no, please don't think of it like that, i-its just . . . I'm very confused right now,"jungkook slightly lowered his head. He couldn't possibly think that taehyung will ask about that thing, he did not even think about it that way.

"I-i'm s-sorry,"taehyung apologized. Jungkook rose his head up and stared at taehyung.

"Ah, do you want to go to your room?"taehyung asked, changing the 'topic' they just had.

"Wait here, okay? I'll arrange it for you,"Before jungkook can even respond, taehyung dashed to 'their' shared room. Jungkook just wait there patiently, then jimin entered the house.


"Hey kook- ah i mean jungkook, where's tae?"jimin asked.

"He's upstairs,"Jungkook responded then jimin just nod before walking up the stairs and headed to taehyung. He found taehyung arranging the bed sheets and the pillows.

"Tae,"jimin called that get taehyung's attention.

"Hm?"he made a response, not looking at his best friend, too busy on what he's doing right now.

"Please keep positive, don't be sad, he'll remember everything very soon, we'll help him, right?"jimin uttered. Taehyung sighed before turning to him.

"Ofcourse chim, I'll help him. I won't waste any minute, any second, just for him to remember me. I don't want to leave with him not remembering our past, i don't want that chim."taehyung said. Jimin nod and walked to him.

"And i'll help you, hm? Don't worry, I'm always here."he hugged him tight and kissed his forehead. As best friends, they're used on giving each other that kind of skin ships.

After arranging the room, the two of them left. When they reached downstairs, jungkook is still on his spot, same position but gaze are on them.

"Sorry i took too long,"taehyung apologized.

"Its fine, it's not that long after all."jungkook made a close mouth smile.

"You can rest there now,"Jimin said with a slight smile. Jungkook just nod his head before heading upstairs.


Its been one week since the accident happened on jungkook, caused him to have an amnesia. He's having some vision this past few days, about him with another boy, them laughing together.

There's this one day he's having a shower on his bathroom, but then there's a sting pain attacked his head. He stumbled down the tub, sitting down there, eyes close, face scrunch while getting himself used on the pain he feels day by day.

He can see a blurred vision about a two person having an argument. The other person is on a couch or a bed, he don't know, then the other one is infront the guy, he's talking but jungkook hears it as gibberish and uh- he can't understand. Their voices got louder and louder on his head.

"S-stop,"he faintly whispered. The sound of shower also ring his head and it freaking piss him off. He just wanted everything to be silent for now. He wants silence.

Then he heard some shout, still from his vission. He don't know if it's really from his vision but it like shouted infront of his ear. Suddenly, everything got to be clear. His vision is clear now. He saw him and jimin together, then there's like a transition where he saw, he hitted someone. He hurt someone, he hurt TAEHYUNG.

The door of the bathroom bursted open revealing a worried taehyung, looking at him.

"Jungkook, what happened?!"he run towards him. Jungkook's eyes are getting teary as he watch taehyung being worried for him.

"Hey, kookie, tell me, what happened? Hm?"taehyung looked at him.

"A-are you hurt?"taehyung asked again. Jungkook can't believe he'll ask him that, but jungkook's the one who hurt taehyung.

"I'm fine, don't worry."jungkook said.

"F-finish your shower,"taehyung said and patted jungkook's shoulder then smile. When taehyung was about to walk away, jungkook got up and grabbed his arms. Taehyung turned to him, confused.

"Tae,"jungkook called. Taehyung slightly raised up an eye brow.

"Am i . . . Am i hurting you?"jungkook managed to ask, his soft doe eyes staring at taehyungs.

"No, you never did. Why?"taehyung looked at him, confused.

"Are you sure? You aren't lying to me, are you?"jungkook asked again.

"I'm not. I'm telling the truth jungkookie, you never hurt me. If something's bothering you and you think that you're bad to me, you're not. You're the sweetest human being i've ever got my whole life."taehyung smiled. Jungkook losen his grip and slightly nod his head.

"T-thanks for telling me,"jungkook said. Taehyung just nod and exited the bathroom. Jungkook can feel, taehyung's lying to him. The vision, why would the vision make him see that he hurt taehyung if he did not really hurt him. He sighed and finished showering.

After that, he slipped onto some comfortable clothes. He headed out his room and saw taehyung came out the guest room. Yes, they don't share a room for now. Taehyung insisted to which made jungkook very confused. Don't he want to sleep with him? As long as he know there's nothing to be uncomfortable of. He's sure they did it back then, but why is that?

"Ah jungkook, I'm going to the supermarket. Do you want to go with me? Or you'll stay here?"taehyung asked.

"Is it fine if i just stay here?"jungkook slightly fiddled with his fingers. Taehyung smiled.

"Ofcourse, I'll go now."he said and gave jungkook a hug.

"Take care,"jungkook muttered then taehyung just nod and walked downstairs. Jungkook headed back to his room. He sat down his bed and sighed.

Taehyung's pretty kind, a total gorgeous man. He's sweet and soft hearted, jungkook thinks he's close to a perfect package. But the thing is, why is he acting so strange? As a boyfriend, jungkook thinks maybe taehyung have to do some things for him to get his memories back but just a simple sleeping together, he can't do.

It's not like jungkook eagerly wants the two of them to sleep together, He's just really confused. Ah, this is impossible. Jungkook can't think any thing to do, should've just go with tae to the supermarket. But then he thought about his phone, yes, taehyung gave it to him and until now he still don't grab it.

Taehyung said jungkook didn't bring his phone with him before the accident. He did not even tell about the argument, which jungkook didn't cares about. All he know is because of his being so clumsy being, that's why he got on that tragic accident.

He grab his phone from the nightstand and open it, but the screen startled him, causing him to throw the phone on his bed.

"Ah, jinja."


The timing of the cliffhangers is crazyyy, sorry😩

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