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Days had past, Jungkook did not notice himself admiring taehyung the most. He likes how he laugh, how he smile, how he talk, how he greet him some 'good morning' whenever they wake up, with each other and 'good night' before they sleep. Most of all, taehyung makes him smile and happy.

Somehow, the 'hurting' from jungkook's vision really bothers him. He have this thought on his mind that he's a terrible person, perhaps boyfriend to tae. But it came out taehyung's mouth, he's a great person. Maybe the visions are just playing on him?

It's the middle of the night. Jungkook's face scrunched as a dark vision, more on nightmare play on his head. He was sweating. His chest felt like so heavy as if something very heavy's on top of it. His head moved side to side in a very tired way as he just shut his eyes tight.

He's with a girl. They're on a, like office. The girl is speaking some words, he can't really understand, as if the whole surroundings are on mute. He's sitting on a chair, flatly watching the girl do some movements. He can't feel any other emotions, but just anger. Only, anger.

The girl perhaps was the reason why he felt that anger emotion. He just watch her and knew what was the scene he was just witnessing, the girl is more on like seducing him? She walked to him but he did not even budge. Jungkook on the bed, somehow scrunched his face more, why can't he move his body?

Then the girl, on the vision sat on his lap with a flirtatious look on her face, which didn't buy kook's emotion, he's still angry and he knew that any minute, he can burst. There were a loud thud came from the door. The two snapped their heads on the door's direction, and there, jungkook saw taehyung. His reaction, is flat but his eyes are close on glistening.

"T-tae,"there, jungkook finally heard a voice. It came out from his mouth. There's a spilled cup of coffee down the floor infront taehyung. He immediately pushed the girl off him but taehyung started running away.

His loud footsteps rang on his ear as the kook on his vision, him, started chasing taehyung but on his luck, everything is on slow motion. The loud footsteps, duet with the tempo of his loud heartbeat.


Then jungkook, on reality was felt that he was shaken. Someone's shaking him. The vision started vanishing and all he can see is dark surrounding.

"Jungkook, yah, kookie, wake up."he opened his eyes only to see taehyung, sitting beside him.

"Don't worry, I'm here, are you having a nightmare? Hm? I'm here,"taehyung softly said as he wiped jungkook's tears out his face. Jungkook was already crying, now he thinks he's too weak. Is he really like that?

"T-taehyungi-ngie hy-hyung,"he bit his lips to control his sob. Why does vision keeps on showing in his mind? And it tells that he's a bad person, he hurts people, he even c-cheats, is that really the real him?

"Shh, don't cry."taehyung pulled him on his embrace. The younger continued sobbing, he can't control it anymore. He hugged taehyung tight. Somehow, he felt very safe on his embrace.

"It's just a nightmare, okay? It's not real. Don't cry, you aren't alone. I'm here."taehyung whispered. His voice is deep yet soft and it relax jungkook.

"T-tae, am i hu-hurting you? A-am i a bad p-person?"jungkook, suddenly, asked. Taehyung became silent. He's slowly rocking jungkook's body that made the younger calm down a bit.

"A-am i?"jungkook looked up to taehyung, only to see him with worried  eyes. He started stroking jungkook's hair, softly.

"No. No you're not."taehyung responded.

"Like i said, it's only a bad nightmare. None of it is real,"taehyung added. Jungkook looked like he has calm down a bit already. He isn't crying anymore, just sniffs, still on taehyung's arms.

"It doesn't look like a nightmare, more on vision. It . . . it looks like a vision about our past, my past with you. They keep showing on my head, sometimes whenever i close my eyes, they're flooding my head."the younger said that made taehyung worry more.

"What do you see . . . on those vision?"taehyung asked.

"Me, with jimin, with you, with some person who's not even familiar to me. A-and this one, just lately, I'm in a office with a girl. She's like, i don't know, she makes me feel uncomfortable, but there, i saw you on the door. Before i could even come closer you already run away, it . . .  it just feels wrong, it hurts me."jungkook explained. Taehyung sighed, that scene flashed on his mind again. It is really a vision, from the past.

"It did not even happen in real life, i don't remember anything like that. Maybe this time, i mean just lately, it was just a bad nightmare. Hm? Jungkookie, how many times do i have to tell you, you're a great precious man i've ever had in my whole life of existence. I can't wish anything more,"taehyung said as he slightly smiled at jungkook. Jungkook just sighed before slowly nod his head. Taehyung placed a long peck on the younger's head and closed his eyes. His hands coping jungkook's body, meanwhile jungkook's hand is grabbing his arm.

"Don't worry anymore, hm?"jungkook just nod. Taehyung brought jungkook's hands up and placed a soft kiss on it then put another one on the younger's forehead.

"I love you,"he whispered, which unfortunately, jungkook did not hear.

"Let's go back to sleep now?"taehyung asked. Jungkook just nod his head as the two of them lied down the bed.

"I'll hug you, okay?"jungkook spoke in a very tiny voice as he move to taehyung's direction and hug his body tight. He closed his eyes as he slowly drifted off to dreamland, again.

Taehyung, on the other hand is resting his chin on the top of younger's head. This looks like the table has turn for them, jungkook was the one who's used on doing this to him back then. Hugging him tight as jungkook's chin rests on top of his head. Jungkook was the one who always kiss the top of his head, his forehead and hand. Taehyung smiled at that simple thought. The younger is really sweet.

Jungkook moved. His face is on the crook of taehyung's neck. Taehyung can feel jungkook's lips pressing his neck. He smiled and placed a last long peck on the top of jungkook's head before drifting off on his own dreamland.


Is it late again? I'm so sorry,😭

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