Young And In Love

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I can't believe yall like my corny shit...

As we drove home back to our place dropping off the guy I felt my eyes drop as tired as I was I had no strength to move my legs and just my body in general. I crossed my arms trying to keep myself on the hour drive home I squinted putting on a serious face as I did so Temari and Lee looked at me confused and more for Lee worry on his face
"Gaara are you.. okay?" Temari asked holding back a laugh "Im fine just extremely tired." Right we did do the .. Devils tango so what did I expect I really was out of energy after it though I don't see how I even got through it. The blush slightly came across my face. I yawned as I closed my eyes the drive wasn't long nor was it short more like sholng  I got to take a mini cat nap.

Time skip

I felt someone's strong arms wrap around me as they picked me up I slightly opened my eyes to see his face as he smiled down at me.. I wonder can I call this my happy ending. I questioned myself but hugged onto him. He carried me in the elevator all the way to the apartment room I wish I could just stay with him like this forever. ❤

I woke up in my bedroom tired my eyes droop as I look at my phone

2:44 AM (No shit literally when I'm writing this)

My Knight in armor: Gaara you up??

Me: Hm wsp?

  My Knight in armor: Look out your window

O My Lord.

He was there hanging onto the ledge i opened my window as I sneaked him in. "Why wouldn't you just have stayed here with me you dumbass" I giggled "Well you sister kinda kicked me out, But! Look at the view" I looked out the window to see a beautiful view of everything. Buildings after building car lights street lights  even some buildings bigger than the other all the bright lights become a river of colors in the darkness as they are either behind a thick shadow or are somewhere in the moons light that's by the stars that look like little dots so far away it was amazing.

 Buildings after building car lights street lights  even some buildings bigger than the other all the bright lights become a river of colors in the darkness as they are either behind a thick shadow or are somewhere in the moons light that's by the...

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"Lee.. have you ever thought about the future.."

"Yeah but I try not to think about it alot why do you ask?"

"I uhm I've been think about our future just little things.."

"You shouldn't get stuck thinking about the future or the past instead focus on the present and what's happening then the good things even reflect on the bad. I know when I was young thats all I could do i just didn't realize I was doing it."

"I know its important to think about present but-"

"No buts. When I was a kid I didn't have anyone to call family no parents no siblings just me on the side of a curb but one day my father or adopted father saw me that day I never looked back because I never felt that way. Because I never could. No one cared back then.

Not even for a child.."

I grabbed his hand "didnt you say not to think about it."
"Heh.. you got me" 

"You know I. Here for you." I said as I hugged him tightly

"Thank you.. you know ill do anything for you right?"

"But I won't need you too." I looked up at him as I intertwined our fingers together.

"Because you won't do it without me"

The Story Of Gaara Sabaku And Rock Lee.Where stories live. Discover now