Chapter 3: A Revival of A Nobody

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(Dr. Zhali) D∷. Z⍑ᔑꖎ╎POV

I was making final preparations until the lights went out and went red through instinct I grabbed my medic bag and my sidearm exiting the medic bay. Seven Commandos ran and I followed suit entering the hangar Bay was in complete and utter chaos as a fire was started in the thinner atmosphere that we were used to. As I checked whoever was hurt, the damage control groups started extinguishing the flames but as we processed to the overturned vehicle a hand placed itself on top as a person pulled himself out of the wreckage impaled by different fragments of metals and glass. 'By the stars,' I thought in shock as he was limping and gasping trying to get to a sidearm that wasn't our race's make.

 'By the stars,' I thought in shock as he was limping and gasping trying to get to a sidearm that wasn't our race's make

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He holsters the sidearm away and then ripped a metal piece from his upper thigh looking up. But the Enemy General had climbed in. "This isn't my end but yours, Shadow." "Yea, but I'm going to...," he spits out blood and resumes. "Finish it taking you with..." He drew his sidearm and shot as the General shot back. As both hit one another, the human falls as the General advances getting wounded.

And through sheer force of will, he gets back up and continued firing killing the General for good, then he grabbed his blade and plunged it into the General's head as a precaution. "Influence that... Asshole," he said collapsing to his knees, then falling to his side. I approached carefully to the human and rolled him on his back to check his pulse. "Time of death, cycle twenty-eight oh eight, tell the Grand Admiral that Shadow is here. Rest human, your enemy is now defeated, and your people are free," I said closing both of his eyelids and kissing his forehead, and said to others. "Take the human remains with care to the morgue so I may process him."

I saw that they were hesitant to do so. So, I gave them a stern look at them and said, "Do it, or I don't perform my duties as a doctor to you all, and none of y'all dare take him to the airlocks to be thrown out!" Some whispered as some stayed quiet until the Grand Admiral came with a stretcher and said, "Come, doctor, this human has the right to be looked after before he is revived for his new life." I smiled at her as we placed the corpse on the stretcher and carefully went to the morgue.

Discarding the dirty and tarnished clothing and gear, we immediately see signs of light malnutrition and visible signs of blunt force trauma to his torso as shown as bruising and carbonized wounds, but his face was scarred like something was trying to cut his cheeks apart but never succeeded. His eyes were red with bloodshot but there were parts of it that were tinged with blue a clear sign that his eyes were blue and his hair was silverly concluding that he was beyond under an immense amount of stress.

Moving on for incisions and upon examining there were no implants found throughout his body and if I remember the term correctly clean like a whistle. "Strange, Shadow, doesn't have any implants which is somewhat illogical how he can vanish for extended periods then reappear when the right time to strike is looming," I started to the Admiral as she inspects the moderately damaged helmet. She picks up the damaged vest that had a small digital hexagon pattern to it that was distinctly unique. "The humans have made synthetic materials I can see how, but the glasses and the weapon I'll have someone take a look at the tech that's hidden. After, Shadows revitalization what's your outlook on it?" She asks me. "Well, honestly it'll be a good candidate for the Starchild proposal but when he wakes up he's likely going to be scared but not to worry I was the first one to only know his physiology and language with our common ability. Others though are likely not going to be able to get along with him because his interaction might start rivalries instead of friendship," I answered stating what might be true. "So, how long until he's returned to life? Do you know?" She asked curiously.

"With all respect ma'am, this process might take approximately two years and five months with the amount of damage and long-term effects that were straining him. Although we have the funding and diplomat support I'm rather unsure of how he'll fit in our society with his air being completely different from ours but I can already see a solution behind it with the oxygen converters," I said activating the scanner to see some promising results. "We still got brain activity!" I rejoiced.

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