A party to remember (PART 1)

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It had been nearly 2 weeks since the night that Malia and Stiles spent together and they hadn't spent another one together. However they have been doing things as a group; Malia, Stiles, Scott and Allison - who are a couple, Isaac, Lydia, Ethan and Aidan.

Now that it was summer and they had done the re-sits for that history test that they all failed excepted for Lydia, they had free time to do a lot together.

Today was a really nice sunny day so they decided they would have a BBQ on the field near the twins' house. The guys stood around the meat because they thought it made them look manly whilst Malia and Lydia laid in the sun taking full advantage of it.

"So, Stiles...?" Lydia asked moving her glasses down and looking back and forth between Stiles and Malia.

"What about him? We've just been like friends since that night so, I guess he's not really as interested as I thought" Malia said softly staring at the sun.

"Bullshit. You two need to both grow up and if he doesn't make a move, you should and I'm going to give you the perfect chance." Lydia said with a hint of mischief.

"HEY GUYS!!" She yelled "you're all okay to come to my party on Friday night aren't you?" She looked back and winked at Malia.

"What the fuck??" Malia mouthed back at her.

All the guys' responses were yes they were going. Stiles kept looking at Malia in the sun, a little smile would always appear and Lydia caught him, every single time.

"Hey Lyds, is it okay if I invite Kira? We both haven't seen her in so long, it can be like old times?" Malia asked

"Yeah that's a good idea!" Lydia looked over at the boys "Maybe we can set her up with Isaac."

Malia shot a frown at Lydia. You see Lydia was always trying to play the match maker, always felt the need to meddle in peoples love lives.

————- Friday Night ————-

Lydia threw the best parties in Beacon Hills and everyone knew that, that's why when she had said that this party was just for her close circle of friends they were disappointed that they couldn't go but Lydia Martin didn't really care. This party was for Stiles and Malia, even if they didn't know it.

As the group sat around the table Lydia could see that Stiles and Malia were getting on really well. Scott and Allison were sitting next to each other, predictably. Lydia and Kira were sat together catching up and next to them was Stiles and Malia, followed by the twins and then Isaac next to Scott.

"Hey, do you guys know what would be fun?" Lydia exclaimed, throwing back her 3rd shot "A game of spin the bottle!"

Malia looked at her and roller her eyes, she knew full well what Lydia was up to, this game was meant for her and Stiles. The idea had a mixture of responses.

"How old are we Lydia? 13?" Isaac said with his usual tone of sarcasm.

"Let's do it." Stiles said looking at Malia and then finishing his bottle of beer so that they could use the bottle.

"LETS GOOOO THEN!!" the twins cheered whilst adding a drum roll.

Stiles was the first one to spin the bottle.

The bottle spun and spun and spun until it slowed down and finally it stopped...

"Maliaaaaaaa!" Scott sang raising his glass in the air.

Malia looked at Lydia as a smiled grew on her face, she felt quite proud, like her plan had worked out perfectly. Malia let out a quiet chuckle.

"you ready?" Stiles asked looking at Malia; she nodded.

Stiles leaned in slowly until their lips touched. All he had wanted to do since the day he left her house was kiss her again. Their lips connected and moved in sync. They both completely forgot that they were in a room full of their friends but they didn't care, they felt like the only two people in the world. Stiles stopped the kiss with a smile.

"You taste like peaches" he whispered as he pulled away and turned back to face the rest of the table. Malia laughed. 

"Well okaaaay then" Allison broke the silence "If every kiss is going to be like that one, I think this is going to be a very long game. Maybe we should go for some shots?" she added slowly waving the bottle of sourz.

The group had one shot, then another and another. None of them noticed how much Stiles had already drank and continued to give him shots. Stiles slowly moved his left hand and placed it on Kira's thigh but Kira moved to show her discomfort. This all happened at the unfortunate moment that Malia decided to look over at them. Stiles then did the same to Malia, or at least he tried. Malia moved Stiles' hand and he looked at her with confusion.

"I'm not going to be your second choice Stiles." Malia put bluntly

"What? You're my first choice, she was second." Stiles said standing up and walking outside. Kira got up and followed him.

Malia rolled her eyes and poured herself another shot. The conversation topic was quickly changed to music, Lydia wanted to listen to something that they could dance to, to lift the party mood and that's what they did. Everyone got up and danced, forgetting that Stiles and Kira were outside. Isaac pulled Malia in to dance, they were really close, he was probably her best guy friend and he just wanted to make sure that she was okay.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, course I am, why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh I don't know..." he slurred "maybe because the guy you like is outside, alone with one of your best friends..."

"ME? Like Stiles? Yeah right, you've got some imagination Lahey. We're just friends..." Malia said looking down at her feet, she didn't want to look into Isaac's eyes because he'd see the tears building up in her eyes.

"You're a crap liar." he said pulling her into a hug, Malia buried her head in his neck.

Malia slowly started to gather her thoughts and decided that she was going to do something about her current situation. She did like Stiles and she knew it and if he didn't already she was going to tell him. She wanted him to know everything that he made her feel, that he makes her face hurt from smiling too much, that he gives her butterflies when he touches her, that he's all she finds her self thinking about and how hurt she felt when she saw him make a move on Kira. Malia made her way to the back door and then suddenly her stomach dropped and her eyes quickly refilled with tears, she couldn't move and when she tried to talk the words wouldn't come out. Malia was frozen. She stood there, watching her friend and the guy she liked kissing.  

Malia accidentally stumbled and knocked over a flower pot, if Stiles and Kira didn't know that she was there, they did now. Stiles quickly looked up to see Malia stood there and jumped up, removing his hands from Kira's body.


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