We are more, together

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Malia POV
I woke up because the sun started shining through my curtains. It was so warm, I love when the sun shines on my skin; I love how it feels. I woke up so content and ready for what seemed to be a beautiful day outside, but then...
I remembered the night before, I remember what Stiles did and the anger started to resurface. I looked at my phone, no new message from Stiles but I had one from Kira,
"Malia what the hell? You told me you and Stiles were friends, I didn't think you would mind because why would you, if you're just friends..."
I ignored it. Kira can wait.
I went downstairs because I could smell my dad cooking breakfast.
"Morning love" my dad smiled "how was that party last night?"
"Yeah it was nothing special" I lied "smells so good! Love it when you cook" I sat down with my plate.
"I think I'm going to go out today." I slurred with a mouth full of bacon.
"Alright, well I'm off now, I'll see you tonight" he said kissing my forehead and then walking out the door leaving me in silence with my thoughts once again.
I didn't know wether I wanted to see Stiles or not because he really hurt me and the thought of actually talking about it made me feel sick, I'm not very talkative when it comes to feelings but maybe I should let him have his say?

I walked upstairs to get ready, I decided to give him a chance to say what he wants to say but if he thinks I'm going to make it easy for him, oh is he mistaken.

I got out my favourite jeans that hugged my bum just right, a green top; I look good in green and I curled my hair and actually put effort into my make up. Stiles Stilinski will regret hurting me if he didn't already.
I got my phone and text Stiles,
"I'll see you today, pick me up in an hour."
I'm ready for this.
Stiles POV
Oh my god, reading Malia's text made my stomach turn, I was dreading this so much, I wish I could go back in time and not even go to that stupid party. Shouldn't have drank so much. Stiles you're such an idiot.
"Hey dad?" I shouted down the stairs, with no reply.
Dad was always leaving early in the morning without saying bye, came with the job, had to leave when he was needed.
I remembered I didn't text Malia back so I hurried to my phone,
"I'll see you soon"
I quickly showered and ran my hand full of gel through my hair. As I was walking to my car I started to feel anxious. I don't think I can do it, look at her face and talk about last night. What if she cries? What would I do. Oh my god.
I took my time driving to Malia's house, I could have stalled all day, I was so nervous, I didn't know how she would react.
I arrived outside her house. I honked.
Malia appeared out her front door and my heart dropped. Not long now. Breathe Stiles. I had to keep reminding myself. I saw Malia look down with a faint smile, she must have heard my heart rate rise.
Malia got in the car and slammed the door. Normally Stiles would have snapped an angry comment but he bit his tongue because he didn't want to make matters worse. It was silent as they just sat there. Stiles broke the silence.
"Shall we talk here or do you want to go back to my house?"
"Whatever, I don't care."
Stiles started the car and headed home. The entire journey was quiet, except for the music quietly playing in the background. There was a lot sighs, coming from Stiles and Malia.
-----in Stiles' room-----
Malia was sat on the end of the bed and Stiles was pacing back and forth infront of her.
"Stop it. Say what you want to say Stiles."
"Okay, here goes. I'm sorry. There are no words to say how sorry I am! I know this isn't an excuse but I did have far too much to drink. I had a talk with Isaac and what he said was true; I didn't want to mess up with you by making a move and maybe you not wanting it but I still shouldn't have gone for Kira. I know that was wrong. You're something special Malia. I've never met anyone like you and I don't think I ever will. You're all I think about and when we're together my mind can be at peace for a bit but as soon as you're gone, I lose a couple screws. I've never felt like this before and it scares me because I don't know what to do, I'm so sorry."
Malia sat there, no one had ever said anything like that to her before. She felt so special and all the anger she had when she look at him was gone and replaced with this urge to jump up and kiss him. After a minute of just staring at him, that's what she did.
Malia got up and made her way to Stiles, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. His hands made their way to her waist and he hugged her. They both slowly opened their eyes and Malia smiled and she whispered "it's okay Stiles" and kissed him again.

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