I'm in trouble

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Malia POV
As Stiles laid at the foot of my bed in hysterics at the fact that my favourite food is deer, I couldn't help but notice how flawless he looked and he wasn't even trying. How is it possible to look like an angel first thing in the morning, with the worst bed hair and not to mention he hadn't showered in two days for god knows why?

I realised how him laughing made me happier than I ever remember being.
I loved being in his company and I don't even know what it is about him. Maybe it's everything?

I've known him a few weeks and we've already been through so much, looking at him now, feels like I'm looking at someone I've known all my life. Time seems to go slower with him and I love that. I appreciate every single second I spend with Stiles.

I didn't know it was possible to feel like this about another human being? It's ridiculous that someone can actually have this kind of an effect on you. I did know one thing for sure,
I'm in trouble.

*zzzzzz* *zzzzz*
My thoughts were interrupted by a text from Lydia,
"Malia are you ever going to detach yourself from the hip of Stiles Stiliniski??? Seriously, you two have been together the last 3 days"

"Shit!" I chuckled, reading Lydia's text
"What? Who's that from?" Stiles investigated
"It's Lydia, did you realise we haven't seen anyone for the past 3 days!?"
"No? I saw Scott yester- oh wait that was Monday, shit you're right" he laughed
Stiles POV
I really didn't realise 3 days had passed, I'd spend the rest of my days with Malia if I could. Seeing her smile just makes my day. I'm honestly so lucky.
"Hey Malia" I said getting up and putting on my shirt "well this smells disgusting" I cringed
"I'm going to go home for a bit, this kid needs a shower and some clean clothes, I'll see you later" I kissed her forehead and went to my jeep.

It felt weird leaving her because we'd been together so long but my hair was starting to smell weird and that's not attractive. I needed to get home and have a deep cleansing shower.
Sorry for the extremely short chapter, just had such bad writers block but an update was wanted so I tried :)

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