A party to remember (PART 2)

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Malia's POV
As I stood there looking at their shocked expressions, I just felt this anger bubbling inside me. My heart rate started to increase, my hands started to get clammy and my breathing rate increased too. I knew this feeling all too well. It was a panic attack. As Stiles got closer I turned to walk back into the house, I made my way to the front door. No-one followed me, they saw my once brown eyes, now a deep blue. As I reached to open the door, still breathing heavily I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Stiles.
"Leave me alone...Stiles! Go back... to Kira! You...clearly, you clearly want her!" I just managed to say with a slightly raised voice. Stiles could see the tears in my eyes.
"I want you! You know that! Everyone else can see that Malia!" Stiles exclaimed gesturing to the rest of the group for emphasis
"No...you don't...go back to Kira...I...don't care!" I said as I turned and waked out of Lydia's house.


I heard coming from inside, I didn't care about anything else Stiles wanted to say. I needed to get the panic attack under control and get home.
I found a patch of grass and sat down, I concentrated on my breathing. In through my nose. Out through my mouth. Just thinking about my breathing. Inhale. Exhale. I could feel myself calming down, my heart stopped beating so fast and my eyes dried. I did it. I started to ramble on out loud...
"Well tonight was crap. Invite Kira, a good catch up is needed. Yeah good idea Malia. Yes Allison let's carry on doing shots because that much alcohol always leads to the best situations. I guess it's not a party until there's a fight, well done Malia for being the life of the party."
By the time I had finished ranting to myself I had made it home and I just got into bed.

Stiles POV
I sat down on the couch and all I could see was Malia's face before she left. She looked completely broken and I had done that to her. I just wanted to make it better but she won't want anything to do with me now. I can't believe what I've done to her. I like Malia, why did I make a move on her bestfriend.
"Fuck." I shouted punching the arm rest.
Isaac walked in and sat next to me, he looked at me and I could see the disappointment in his face.
"What the hell man..." He sat there waiting for an explanation
"I don't know, I really do like Malia, she's the best thing to happen to me in awhile and I've just ruined it and I don't know why I did what I did!" I explained putting my head in my hands. Isaac put his hand on my back.
"I think I do, you had way too much to drink and instead of going after what you really wanted because you were scared to maybe mess it up, you went for something that you didn't care about messing up. Malia is who you quite clearly want to be with and she wants the same thing, you just need to fix it man."
I so wasn't used to Isaac being serious like this but I really appreciated it and needed it. It knocked some sense into me.
"Yeah, I'll fix it. I'm gonna go home, I think I can drive now, thanks Isaac." I said standing up and heading for the door and then to my jeep.

When I got home I went straight to bed and I laid there. One hand under my pillow and the other on my chest. I could tell I wasn't getting any sleep, all I could think about was how I hurt Malia and about how I could possibly make it right but I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't want anything to do with me. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears. I just wanted her here with me. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her, it's her. It's always going to be her. A tear escaped and ran down my cheek.

I slowly felt myself drifting to sleep but then as my eyes closed I just saw Malia's face. Crying. I felt terrible.
I reached for my phone and started to type
"We have to talk, in person, please I can come pick you up tomorrow?"
I can't do it, can't press send, my hands are shaking. I closed my eyes and I did it.
I got a text straight away. I felt my stomach drop.
"I'll see if this urge that I have to rip your head off goes away. If it does, you can pick me up tomorrow."
Oh my god, she wants to kill me. She really does, what have I done.
"Alright then." I replied and tried to get to sleep.

"This isn't going to end well" were my last thoughts before I had fallen asleep.

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