xxv. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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Hawk told Alexa over the phone

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Hawk told Alexa over the phone.

Unlike how it was with Miguel, she was at the hospital immediately. Panic was sitting in her chest, yelling to come out. The story was fast, Eli was emotional over the phone. He broke Demetris arm. Alexa wanted to comfort him, but she went to the hospital before she had the chance to. Her eyes laid on Sam, in her Moms hold as she cried. "Sam!"

Right now, all she cared about was knowing Demetri was okay. Karate, Miyagi-Do, Cobra Kai, this was more serious then that. Amanda looked alarmed. Alexa looked down at Sam, her chest heaved. "Is he okay?"

Sam was in no position to fight right now, shrugging as she cried. "I don't know. They look him into surgery."

"Okay." her voice was shaky, Amanda pitted Alexa as her eyes filled up, looking down the hallway. "Okay. Okay."

"Alexa!" Sam tried to call for her, but she was hurrying down the hall, fast.

"You can't go back there, sweetie." a nurse stopped her from going through the doors.

"I just need to see how a patients surgery went." she shook her head quickly.

"I'm sorry." she held her back.

"Get off!" Alexa shoved her arms quickly. "I just want to make sure he's okay!"

"Alexa." a new voice rung, making Alexa look back. As if guilt wasn't bad enough, there was Miguel in his wheelchair. He was looking at her from the doorway of a room, his eyes made her frown. "Come here."

She walked into the room, he shut the door. "Hey."

"Demetri was hurt." she whipped her eyes, trying to catch a breath. "Hawk snapped his arm."

"What?" Miguel gapped. "I don't-"

"I'm sorry for not coming to visit you." she rubbed her eyes, the wave of guilt flooding her body. "I'm sorry, Miguel."

"Hey." he took her hand, wheeling closer. "It's okay."

"It's not okay." she sniffled. "Non of it is. What happened, what keeps happening."

"Then why are you staying apart of it?" Miguel asked her the honest, hurtful truth. He held her hand, because he loved her, no matter what happened in the school fight.

Alexa looked at her lap. "No one's ever cared about me the way Sensei Kreese does."

"That's not true. Sensei Lawrence-" he started.

"Sensei Lawrence is a coward that walked out on me when I needed him." Alexa stared at Miguel as she sniffled, blinking to calm down. "Kreese didn't. No matter what, he showed up for me. He wasn't off getting drunk or only caring about himself!"

"That's not fair, he's trying." he defended their old sensei.

"Yeah, we're all trying." she stood up, shaking her head. "Bottom line? I asked him to show up for me and he didn't. I asked just two people to be there for me on a very important night and neither of them showed. I don't owe him shit. If you'd stop defending him for half a second, you'd realize that you're the only person he cares about because you put up with his shit."

"He cared about all of us. It's not his fault everyone turned their back on him and went to Keeese." Migeul got defensive, he didn't realize how quick they went from crying to arguing. He also didn't realize that this was the first time they'd ever actually yelled like this at each other. They weren't suppose to, though. From the beginning, they were suppose to stick together.

"He doesn't carry about any of us. Kreese was there for me, Kreese actually puts an effort into more then just one of his students!" she defended him the same way Miguel had Johnny. "I mean, his son is literally in jail. His son that he couldn't even bother to show up for the day he was born!"

"I told you never to repeat that." he glared at her. "What? So now you're defending Robby Keene?"

"I'm not defending Robby Keene. I'm defending kids that have to grow up thinking they aren't good enough for their dead beat parents!" she rose her voice in disbelief at him. "You act like you understand that and then go and defend him the way you do. You're a hypocrite."

"And you're a self centered person." his words came too quick, her face was the same, but her eyes changed. "I didn't mean that, Lexi."

"You did." she nodded. "And, you know, maybe you're right, Miguel. Maybe I am self centered. Maybe i'm a shitty person. That's okay, you can think whatever you want to about me. I'd rather be self centered then sit here and defend the man that got you tossed off the balcony in the first place!"

"He's not the one that kicked me off!" Miguel yelled at her.

"No, he's just the one that told us to show no mercy, then told us to show mercy, then no mercy, then mercy again, right?" she narrowed her eyes with a nod of her head. "All of this was for you, Miguel. We turned against him for you. If you can't appreciate that, maybe we don't need to see each other any more."

"Figured that was official after you attacked me at the school." he gave a look of disbelief

"You mean after you kissed a completely drunk girl and cheated on your girlfriend?" Alexas words made Miguel feel small, she'd been good at that sort of thing. "Hope your legs start working again, Migeul."

Then, she was gone. And just like how she ended it with Demetri, there went Miguel too.

kylie speaks

imma need a sweet lex and
miguel reunion in s5 too, miss

imma need a sweet lex andmiguel reunion in s5 too, misswheelerblossom

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