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WhOops haven't updated in a while

There isn't much to find plant-wise in the elites district. People are paid to pick away the weeds of nature and leave our town uniform and grey. So of course, I decided to take a trip to the outskirts.

Our districts do have names, however only government officials really know and use them. So, we just refer to the districts by where they are or the quality of living. Our district is the elitists, where the houses are slightly larger, the upkeep is in top shape and it is a bit more expensive. It's horrid.

The outskirts however, is a completely different story.

The upkeep of the outskirts is often neglected by even the government, and I hear the weeds grow over houses, shrouding them in hues of green and brown. The people there are said to be poor or escaped convicts. The cost of living is cheap, and the likelihood of your neighbors turning you in for illegal activity is usually slim, especially since everyone in the outskirts see the government as an enemy.

I'm sure to find a dandelion here.

I hang my head as I walk through the outskirts. Luckily it's pretty smoggy here, so I have an excuse to wear the anti-debris eyeglasses with the dark tinted shades. Not only do I like the look, I want to remain as untraceable as possible. As I walk, I notice a strange lack of people on the streets. I guess it's dark out, so everyone is home, but it is still rather unsettling to be the only person out, surrounded by weeds. I've never seen plants this big in nature before. I take out a drawing my father made of dandelions. It's impressive to me how realistic his sketches are. I wish I could've seen more, however I know I'll probably never see him draw again....

Is he really dying?

He seemed perfectly healthy when I visited...

What is he planning?

Suddenly, I hear voices emanating from a nearby alleyway.

"You're gonna wanna give it up, if you know what's good for ya,"

"He ain't gonna talk, just get the kid and we can turn him in already,"

Now, you need to understand, I am a rather intellectual person. I can read the most difficult of texts with ease, recite complex equations, can name every element on the periodic table....

And I am also incredibly stupid.

"What's going on here?" I ask, as if anyone around this corner would be the slightest bit intimidated by me. I peek around and see three very large people towering over a much smaller person, who was wearing a mask that covered their whole face. I would like to say I did more than just stand there like an idiot, however that was the best I could do in that situation. The three bigger people- three men, with tattoos, which is something I'd never seen in person before- crowded around me.

Well... I suppose this is it.

I hope my father won't be too upset that I can't deliver his dandelions to him...

Suddenly, the smaller person grabs my arm and we start running. They drag me along, and despite the fact I'm not that much of an athlete, I keep up as best as I can. We're running through the street, the tattoo guys close behind, and I worry that this is just going to be a competition of stamina. We get a bit ahead, and I decide it's better to try and get away than try and run and hope the other mens stamina runs dry before ours. I peek back, and though I hear the mens cries, I don't see them beyond the rounded street we're running across. I drag my accomplice into an alleyway and press them against the wall with my body. Covered in shadow, the men who were chasing us speed past the alley we're in and continued running. Once I'm sure they're gone, I back up and lean against the opposite alley wall, my accomplice looking out at the street, as if making sure we were safe. I catch my breath and find the courage to speak.

"Um... hello," I say. They face me, however their mask makes it unclear if they're looking at me.

"Who are you?" They ask.

"Well, I'd like to know who you are first. Why were those men accosting you?" I ask. The person was silent for a moment. I wasn't sure if they just didn't want to tell me, or they didn't know what 'accosting' meant. I heard the schools here are a bit lacking.

"You... don't know who I am? That's a relief, I don't see a lotta those around here," the person said. Their voice sound a bit masculine, however judging on the person's petite figure, I won't draw any major conclusions until they tell me.

"Well, um... I like your outfit. I don't see a lot of customization where I'm from," I say. They nod.

"Where are you from? The outskirts is pretty big but I'm certain I've never seen you before, especially since you don't know me," The person said.

"Oh, I'm-," I say, before catching myself. I don't exactly want to reveal I'm Dr. London Cardiffs son. Either they could turn me in and get both me and my father in trouble, they could think I'm a threat, or some other issue pertaining me being an elitist. "S-sorry, I have trouble saying it... um... do you know the dandelion?" I ask. Their demeanor seems to change from defensive to interested, seeing that their tightly crossed arms loosen at the mention of my mothers street name.

"The elitists first and last artist? I'm aware," they said.

"That's my mother... my father begged me to get a bundle of dandelions for him before he dies," I say.

"Really... I... huh.... I am not sure if I believe you, however you're about the most well spoken guy I've met in a while. I guess I won't judge too quickly until I'm sure.... Well, I'm Águila Dorada, but you can just call me Addie," Addie said.

"Very well, and pardon my asking, are you a male or female? I really cannot tell and would rather ask than make a mistake," I ask.

"Oh, I'm a guy, but I don't care all that much, because it doesn't change much. What should I call you?" Addie asks.

"Oh... um.... I don't... uh...,"

"Don't like your name? I'll call you León," Addie said.

"Oh, that works," I say. Addie nods.

"Well, if you're really Dandies son... I have some of her original works, if you're interested," Addie said.

"What? Really?" I say. Addie nods.

"Yup, follow me. Don't make noise though, I have a bounty over my head," Addie said. I nod, anxious of what's to come.

Sorrreeeeeeeeyytrsfgefyf there'll probably be more updates here soon, baby Texas stole my soul and I realize I've literally only been writing Tiny Texas Time lololololololol

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