A Secret

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Baby Texas stole my soul

Back to this though

Addie takes me down a winding path to the very edge of town. There is a big metal door, with a lock I recognize. The door is a dark black, with a pale white lock that is intimidating just to look at. When you see this, it most likely means if you get anywhere near it you'll be tracked down and killed. That's why, like this door, they're all guarded by a chain-link fence.

"You're hilarious. And going to kill me," I guess. Addie laughs. He probably knows, like me, that absolutely nobody alive- not even the government- are allowed past these doors.

"I made this myself," Addie said.


"I wanted a secret home where absolutely nobody would dare enter... I took this fence from a junkyard that was to be recycled into prison bars, and painted the door to match the government doors... even had a buddy of mine replicate the lock," Addie said.

"Woah... whats in there?" I ask. Addie smiles.

"Go in, you'll see," Addie said. I laugh.

"After you," I say. Addie smiles.

"Well look at that, you do know what's good for you!" Addie joked, before hopping the fence. I follow, making sure my tinted glasses weren't slipping off and my hoodie was covering a lot of my identity. Once we're in the fence, Addie suddenly pulls out a switchblade, approaching me.

"What you're about to see is highly illegal... you can turn me in if you want, I'm not scared of death... but if you somehow convince people that this place isn't just a death trap... if you harm anything in here... I will not stop until I am sure you die a slow painful death," Addie said.

"U-um... that seems unnecessary-,"

"Listen, if you destroy everything in that room, you'll be killing a whole lot more than just yourself," Addie warned. I nod. We go in...

I immediately begin to hyperventilate as I look around.

Colors I never even knew existed flood my vision.

Shapes I've never imagined before.

Paintings of people dressed in such bright, beautiful colors.

He had fabrics sitting on oddly-shaped furniture, some fabrics shone with a glittering sparkle, something I thought was only possible in the stars I've only gotten a few glimpses of when the fog in the dome cleared after an accidental ventilation issue.

There were paintings of places that looked like a new world only someone in a fever dream could conceive.

"León, hey!" I hear Addie call. I fall on my knees, crying. "León?".

"It's so much... it's... it's so beautiful....," I whisper. Addie holds me up, laughing a bit.

"You've never seen anything like this before, huh?" Addie said. I nod silently.

"I... I need to lie down...," I say. Addie guides me to a couch, but I hesitate. "No... it's too pretty," I say. Addie laughs.

"It's ok, it was made to be sat on," Addie said.

"But it's so beautiful,"

"It is," Addie said, forcing me down, before leaving to get me some water. I look around in awe. The more sense my mind makes of what's around me, the more amazed I get. Addie walks over and hands me some water, and I drink it slowly. "You feelin ok?" Addie asks. I look at his mask, which has a decorated skull painted on it. Though I know the mask isn't part of his body, I study him like an art piece in this room of wonders.

"I-I...," I say, but the words get caught in my throat.

"...I think I totally just blew your mind there... how about you take a nap? Just rest a bit?" Addie said. I nod, staring up at the ceiling.

I always thought art was cool in theory... but seeing it's full potential wasn't just cool... it's absolutely intoxicating

I want to see all of it.

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