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When Grace woke up the next morning, she looked at the clock. 09:00 a.m. Damn. She had just sat down jerky and tightened her neck, so she remembered that today was Saturday. Sighing, she sat down again at her Tisc h and looked at her drawing from yesterday again.

A cat with bright, brown eyes and leopard print. Grace would also like to have her own cat or any other pet. Many people just wanted one animal to be able to cuddle with him or to do other things that are great with them. But most people didn't really know how much work that was. Grace did, however, her foster mother's sister had a dog and whenever they were there, everyone had to go on the two-hour walk, to the dog school and, if necessary, to the vet

She thought about why people always had to think about owning something. Because the animals belonged to themselves and when people said they wanted an animal, then they should actually say that they want to take care of an animal. So she told herself that from now on she only wanted to take care of an animal.

"I want to take care of an animal!" Grace whispered quietly into the empty room. Tired, she ran over her eyes. Shortly afterwards, she lay down back in her bed. She closed her eyes again and listened to the chirping of birds, because Amalia had apparently opened the window in the evening, when Grace was already asleep, so that she had fresh air in the room.

Suddenly a voice sounded from below: "Are you coming down Grace? There is breakfast!"

So, still a little sleepy, she went down the two stairs into the dining room and sat down at the table. At that moment, Louis, her foster father, also came down the stairs, he often came back late when he traveled for business. Her foster father yawned loudly and then said cheerfully: "Good morning everyone, did you sleep well?" Grace replied: "Yes, of course, I drew a little last night and then I went to bed. And you? "I didn't get back from the business trip until very late after midnight yesterday and didn't sleep so much because of that. But thanks for asking. And how did you sleep Amalia?" Asked Louis, who was looked at that he would have liked to have had more sleep.

The three sat down together at the table and began to eat the deliciously fragrant croissants - today with raspberry jam. "I slept well too. Do we want to do something nice today?" Amalia wanted to know that they all loved to go on a boat trip or something similar. But Louis and Grace just laughed, because Amalia's whole mouth was full of raspberry jam, so they hadn't understood a word. Amalia laughed along and everyone was happy.

After dinner, Grace said that she wanted to go out into the fresh air a little, so she put on her shoes and jacket and then left the front door. Her way led directly to the supermarket, because she always said that she went out, went for a walk, but then she was mostly at the supermarket to replenish her candy supply. This is exactly what happened today.

She walked to Mike's and told him hello, they talked about everyday life and what they had done yesterday. When they had finished their conversation, she went to the store and bought two bars of chocolate, a pack of her favorite gummy bears, cookies and a delicious ice cream for the way.

She hid everything in her pocket and now decided to go back home. Around this time, their foster parents usually worked around in the garden, so they would not notice that she had a full bag with her. Before that, however, she said goodbye to Mike.

She unlocked the front door, shouted: "I'm back!" Towards the open patio door and then immediately went into her room so that she could bring her prey into her hiding place. Careful, just trying not to rustle too loudly, she filled the cover, then Grace sat down at her desk and got bored. She didn't feel like drawing today, homework was done for once and there didn't seem to be a family outing today. So she took her book and read a little in it. Although she had only bought it the day before yesterday, she was already further than half, which Grace found sad, as it was her new favorite book. So the girl read a little slower so that she had a little longer of it. She was a real bookworm and you could also notice that because she usually read three thick books within a week (mostly if she had no school stress).

She was in the middle of it when it knocked on the door. A hum on their part was the answer. Her foster mother came in and told her something, but Grace didn't listen, she was immersed in her book. Then Amalia put something on her table and disappeared.

How quickly time passed, it was already evening and Grace just noticed that she hadn't eaten lunch yet. Not so bad, since there was dinner now. It was her turn to cook today, she had no talent in cooking, so she just opted for noodles that always worked, whether with ketchup, pesto, pure or butter. In addition, they were also very easy to make, even Grace would be able to do that. Then she set the table and shortly afterwards everyone sat together at the dining table. "I wish you a good appetite and hope you like it!" She said proudly." Enjoy your meal!" Everyone shouted like in a choir and had to laugh again.

At that moment Grace realized how lucky she could appreciate herself that Amalia and Louis had adopted her, she could also have come to a terrible family. With these thoughts, she didn't want to spoil her day now, but this was a topic that she pursued all evening long. But Grace lasted until after dinner, she had tried to push it in front of her all the time. However, now that she was alone in her room, she could think about it in peace.

She spent two hours with it, but she still couldn't fall asleep. It just occupied her too much. Only chocolate could help. She broke off a few pieces from the new board and fed them at a record-breaking pace.

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