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 ... ended up in a full alley with many young and older crowds. Almost everyone wore a coat. (probably the school uniform, since only the children wore one like that)Grace looked around a little, left and right they surrounded many colorful shops, such as magic wand shops.

She wondered what she should do now, because she didn't know anything at all, no one had explained it to her (how)

Grace just started, then she remembered that there was a list of the materials and books in the letter. She crawled the letter out of her suitcase and opened the envelope but there was only the letter, no other list. crap she had forgotten the list at home.

Well, she will make it without a list. There was a girl in front with a Hogwarts letter in her hand, maybe she could help Grace.

Grace went to the girl and addressed her: "Hello, do you perhaps have the list of books and materials from Hogwarts? I forgot them, and I've never been here."

The red-haired girl said, "Yes, of course, what year are you in?"

"In which year? What does that mean," Grace asked, the girl said: "You really don't know your way around, these are the years in Hogwarts, but you will find out until the start of school, by the way, I'm Ginny and you?"

Grace said with a smile: "I'm Grace, nice to meet you."

Ginny smiled back and said, "If you want, we can get all the things together, are you here alone?"

"No, my parents took me to orphanage at the age of three, and my foster parents don't know anything about the letter," Grace said.

Shortly afterwards they left to get the things, the two girls walked around the alleys together, laughed and talked a lot, a while later they went into a shop, there stood an old man reading in a enchanted book.

When he noticed Grace and Ginny, he closed the book and stood in front of the two girls, shortly afterwards he said: "Hello you two, you probably want a magic wand from me, don't you?" But without letting the girls answer, he went a little further back into the room, where the shelves reached to the ceiling, where he pulled two boxes from one of the shelves.

Shortly afterwards he came back and gave Grace one box and Ginny the other. The man said: "Turn't test it once." The two guess that, although Grace didn't know what to do, she just did what Ginny did: waving around with the magic wand.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and a few books fell off the shelf, "that was probably not the right one," said the man and looked at Ginny. Then he went back to the shelf and got another box from the shelf, which he gave it to Ginny.

She also tested this magic wand but nothing happened, she smiled and said, "That's the right one, thank you very much." They said goodbye, but Ginny paid before that. Then they went out the door and lie down to the next store.

Ginny asked, "Where are you actually staying?" And Grace replied: "To be honest, I don't know myself yet, do you have a tip for me?" "you can stay with us if you want Harry and Hermione also sleep with us, they are friends of my brother. We could make a movie night together," Ginny said with a smile on her face.

They walked happily laughing along the alley until they stood in front of a shop again. This time it was a shop of animals sold toads, rats, cats and owls. Ginny said: "We still have to find a faithful companion for you, which animal would you like to have from these?"

Grace was quite sure! A cat, maybe it was fate that she had painted this cat the other day.

They went in and Grace looked at all the animals but suddenly she was frightened, in fact there was a cat there that looked exactly like the one she had painted, Grace immediately knew that this was the right one.

On the ceiling where the cat lay on it, a lot of hearts were printed on it. Grace took the cat with the leopard pattern on her arm and the cat nestled up to her. Then the three went to the cash register Ginny paid and the woman at the checkout gave Grace a note where everything stood on what the cat had to eat and such stuff then Grace got the

Grace asked: "How am I supposed to give you all the money back? There is this other currency here."

"We're going to Gringotts now and there we'll see if your parents have a dungeon there if they were wizards, if not it's okay, I can pay for it." Ginny replied

A while later, they stood in front of a large building. After Grace had left it, the two went in. Ginny talked to a so-called leprechaun, but Ginny did not listen to them because she looked at the building and the other goblins. They looked very unfriendly.

Then Ginny and the little leprechaun set off. She didn't know where they were going, so she quietly asked: "Ginny, where are we going now?" She replied while running: "Your parents really have a dungeon. They created it especially for you."

Grace was speechless, her parents didn't find her as bad as she had always thought, maybe they didn't give Grace voluntarily.

Then they stood in front of the big gate that had to be the door to the dungeon. Grace and Ginny were curious how much would be in the dungeon.

The leprechaun put his finger on the gate and unlocked it.

Grace - HufflepuffyellowWhere stories live. Discover now