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Amalia immediately ran to the window and asked: "What kind of ideas do you come up with Grace?!" Then she helped her and a little later the two sat next to each other on the bed.

Grace said, "The people in the books and in the movies always sat down on the roof." Amalia shook her head and said: "I'll leave you alone now and don't come up with the idea of climbing the roof again. It's best to get out a little bit, that was a lot now."

Grace nodded and dropped on the bed sighing. Then she took her book and started reading, but after five minutes she put the book away again because she had read it through. She decided the next day before she left, bought a few more books, who knows maybe wizards don't read books.

She went down because she was hungry and had not yet had lunch. Louis stood in the kitchen, she would have liked to have gone back to her room now, but Louis had already noticed her, he said: "You know Grace when I was still a child, I also went to the roof, but only because my ball was lying on the roof and my friends were all afraid to climb up Was so quiet only the birds chirped and I had such a good view."

Grace knew that she would miss Louis and Amalia very much, but she couldn't tell them about it yet.

She hugged Louis and said, "I love you no matter what happens." Louis squeezed her even harder and smiled.

After a while, they separated from each other again. Louis asked: "Have you eaten anything yet? Otherwise we can order a pizza today." Grace jumped into the air with joy, they had never ordered pizza and it was already after seven o'clock.

Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang and the food was delivered. Grace had ordered a pizza with salami. Louis and Amalia shared a pizza margharita.

Then they started eating. Everyone liked it and they laughed and talked a lot. And Grace was overjoyed but at the same time she was also very sad because she knew that she would probably never experience such a thing again in her life.

After dinner, Grace went into her room and lay down directly in her bed.

She thought about what she wanted to pack. And then she fell asleep with a sad but also smiling face.

She woke up early in the morning, after changing, she made her way to the bookstore. When she arrived, she picked four thick books, then she paid and went back.

When Grace got home, Louis and Amalia just went out of the door to set off. Then Grace ran off and hugged the two: "I wanted to say goodbye to you, I really love you." Amalia and Louis looked confused and Amalia said: "We really have to leave now, otherwise we will be late. See you this afternoon."

Grace went in without saying a word, she found it very difficult to say goodbye.

She pulled out her lemon yellow suitcase under her bed and put it open on the floor. First she put the books in it. Then she packed clothes, her toothbrush and all other things where Grace thought she would need them.

She saw Louis and Amalia in the car, they were just leaving.

Grace didn't know what to do now, so she took a pen and a note and started writing:

Dear Amalia, dear Louis, I am very sorry to have to say this here now, I will go and I will not come back. It is not up to you, with you was the best time of my life and I will never forget this, but I have to go now. I can't tell you where I am, because you would look for me, I am so sorry But maybe I can visit you again sometime! Your Grace (behind Grace painted another big heart)

She put the letter on the dining table in the living room and then went back to her room. She looked around her room again and tried to memorize everything so that she could remember it in her new life.

Shortly afterwards, she took her suitcase and troughed it down the stairs. Then she picked up Hogwarts' letter and went out the door, now there was no turning back for her. Grace made her way to the supermarket to talk to Mike.

"Hello Mike, I'm here to talk to you about the matter," she looked around and whispered quietly "To talk about Hogwarts. I have the letter and the flea powder with me."

Mike smiled and replied: "okay, then let's get started."

"To be honest, I'm a little scared, I mean what if I don't arrive in the right place but in ... what do I know where," Grace said a little quieter and with a little fear in her voice.

But Mike reassured her and said, "When did I tell you something that was wrong? And I mean even if you take a portion in both hands and if you don't arrive at Winkelgasse, you'll come back here.

Grace nodded and took the letter out of her pocket, then she pulled out the small package with the flea powder.

Shortly afterwards, the two said goodbye and then Grace poured a handful into each of her hands and shouted Winkelgasse, while she threw the powder and...

Grace - HufflepuffyellowWhere stories live. Discover now