Is this the start..?

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your p.o.v:

you woke up 12 minutes later with an aching headache

"ow.. where am i..?" you think to yourself.. what is this place and why is it so bland... you decide to stand up but your legs and still shaky from that fall.

You decide to start walking around and see if you are able to find a way out of this place.

"hello? is anyone else stuck in here?" you say you yourself thinking that there might be more people than you think stuck in the same are as you.

As you continue to walk to start to feel a presence behind you but you try to ignore it. You decide to continue normally but the presence just gets stronger, you decide to turn around but there is nothing there.

"what the heck...?" You start to think to yourself is this something I'm meant to know about..? is this what's going to drive me to the bring of crazy..?

As you decide to try and ignore that presence behind you, you can't quite seem to shake it off.

you start to feel really unsteady about it and you decide to try and shake it off... but it failed.

you start to think to yourself, is this reality? is this what is going to kill me? Am i going to go mad inside this bland looking room of mysteries?! You started to think of to many questions it started to overwhelm you and you start to shake, you are not sure why you had so many questions, because on a normal daily basis you maybe ask one or two questions at more. So why are you asking so many questions now? you are unsure and you start to think that it's something to do with this place but you don't think to much of it you just think that it's a coincidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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