start of a mission(very short)

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I'm alive!!

Sorry for not keeping in touch but I had a few things to take care of. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


//No ones pov//

Days after (y/n) started training Lasky decided that (y/n) was experienced enough to let them join chief and Blue team on missions. With the exception of chief being by (y/n)'s side by all time.

//Chief's pov//

I was not happy to hear that (y/n) would be joining us on missions. I wanted to ask Lasky why he has given (y/n) the ok to be with us. But I didn't question his choice so I will have to hope for the best and have (y/n) get back in one piece.

(Y/n) was given armor like all the other UNSC marines but with the metal of the spartans armor.


a/n: hey guys sorry for it being short this time. I have been busy all week and haven't had the motivation to do it. So this is all I will give for now.

Have a good day/goodnight

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