{Chapter 2}

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So...there they were.

In EXO'S new living room.

Waiting for their food to arrive...

So how'd they end up in their living room?


"1-2-3 We are ONE! Hello. EXO imnida. "

Mina blinked once. Then twice.

"Mina whats up?" Leticia asked and walked towards her, "Who's at the..." She froze and looked in front of the door.

6 men were standing there.

"Hey guys what's going..." Yuna too stopped at her tracks when she saw them.

Moment of silence...before Mina interrupted it.


"Dude...shut the hell up..." Yuna mumbled nudging her twin.

Mina turned to her and stuck her tongue out, "You're not my mom ~"

As the two who were bickering Leticia shook her head.

"So may I ask...what business do you have here with us?" She asked calmly.

The 'leader' smiled., "Well...since we are new neighbors...we were wondering if you'd like to have dinner with us?"

Leticia narrowed her eyes, " Aren't you supposed to just bring us food? You know...according to the normal Korean tradition? And isn't it suspicious when a random group of strangers ask us into their house?

Mina stopped arguing with Yuna and laughed, "Perverts!"

The leader just kept smiling, "Okay fine. We won't be strangers anymore. My name is Suho," He pointed at each of the members, "This is Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, Kai, and D.O."

Mina made a face, "We didn't ask for an introduction."

"But we gave you one, didn't..."


Mina rolled her eyes, "What now?"

Amy ran down the stair and jumped in front of her unnies.

"WHERE'S MA FOO..." She stopped yelling and looked at the boys. She took one glance at them and grinned widely.

"Who's at the door ? ~" She asked smirking at Leticia, Yuna, and Mina.

Yuna rolled her eyes, "Some dudes who want to eat dinner with us."

Mina stuck her tongue out, "Well too bad for them! We're having spaghetti!"

End of Flashback

"That's what I said before..." Mina whispered, "But in the end...we ended up I'm here anyway."

Leticia sighed and whispered back, "Let's just get this over with."

"It's not like they're gonna do anything to us..." Leticia continued.

"But then again you never know." Mina shot back.

"I guess you're right...but I don't think they'll risk their idol 'image' to be ruined."

"Good point."

"Guyzzzzz! I'm hungry."

"Shut up Amy."

In le kitchen

"Hey Hyungs...aren't they from that group Birthstone?" Sehun smirked, "There's not that bad looking."

Kai smirked back, "I call dibs to Baekhyun who's gonna get laid first.

Baekhyun winked, "Now now maknaes, don't get any ideas and jump to conclusion ;)"

Suho flicked Baekhyun's forehead, "Make sure YOU don't get any ideas first."

"OW! Hyung...that hurt!"

"That's what you get for blabbering with that perverted mouth of yours." D.O murmured while cutting a lettuce, "What sauce for the salad guys?"

"Aw D.O...you're so boring."

"Shut up Baekhyun. Suho hyung, where's Chanyeol?"

"Upstairs working on a song." Suho answered.

"Strange...he's usually social with people...not antisocial."

"Hehehe." Baekhyun smirked, "You didn't know?"

"...know what?"

"Chanyeol has a sad little past with one of the members from Birthstone."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Thank you for your patience," Sehun smiled, "Enjoy ~" ^^

Leticia smiled weakly, "Thanks for the dinner..."

Yuna played along, "Yay.. chicken and salad...my favorite..."

Other then the two, Mina made a face, "Ew. Chicken is disgusting. I'll just have salad please."

Yuna nudged her...again.

Amy looked around the living room and counted 9 people including the girls.

"I expected Exo to have more then...5 members. From what I remember, you guys have like 15!"

Kai rolled his eyes, "It's 12...excuse you. We're only EXO-K." He picked up a chicken leg, "EXO-M will be here shortly."

Mina rolled her eyes back, "Well excuse her for being stupid. She's always like that. Where's the other member then...if there's 6 people in each group?"

"Upstairs working on a song." Baekhyun replied mixing his salad and dressing, "Suho hyung...want me to go fetch him?"

"Please do."

"K." He ran upstairs, but stopped midway and turned his head to face his members and guest, "Don't miss me girls ~" He then proceeded up.

Leticia winced, "That dude is too full of himself."

Amy nodded picking a chicken, "Agreed."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

^_^ Hope you enjoyed ~

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