I got you: Y/N & Olivia

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Source of the characters: "My future"

Y/N helping Olivia get over her abusive relationship :)

Mostly fluff <3

If you have any requests please let me know! I would love to write them :)


It's been about 3 weeks since Y/N and Lizzie helped Olivia get out of her abusive relationship. Olivia never left Y/N's side, not for a single moment.

Since they started dating and Olivia already felt so safe around her. She knew that she could trust her, she knew that Y/N would never hurt her.

Y/N found it quite sweet. She could never complain though, she was head over the hills in love with Olivia so having her by her side 24/7 was all she could ask for.

"Y/N/N?" Olivia whispered


"Can we go home please?"

They already finished filming, they were just hanging out with the rest of the cast but Olivia couldn't help but let her anxiety consum her.

She didn't even relise she was digging her nails into Y/N's arm trying to hang onto something.

Y/N knew very well something was wrong, but she knew better than to question it.

"Yeah of course, let me just get the keys from Liz okay?" Y/N walked forward but Olivia never released her grip on her arm.

"Hey, it's okay. Look." Y/N directed her to look at Lizzie who was talking to Paul.

"Here is Lizzie, I'm just going to get the keys, i'll be back in a second I promise." With a short nod from Olivia Y/N ran slowly towards Lizzie.

Olivia watched as they hugged while she hugged herself wrapping her arms around her body.

She was slightly shaking, she had no idea what came over her, it was like the feeling came back rushing into her mind.

Y/N came running back to her, "Let's go."

With their hands held together they walked towards the parking lot. Y/N got into the driver's sit and Olivia sat next to her.

She saw Olivia's hands slightly shaking and placed her hand on top of hers. "I'm here, do you need anything?"

"I- I just want to get home." Olivia said quietly

"Okay." Y/N whispered

Y/N made sure to drive as smoothly as she could. She knew Olivia was fragile, any unexpected bump on the road can trigger something.

She constantly looked over at her to make sure she's okay, and her hand never left her thigh.

Y/N loved Olivia more than anything, it's a shame they were just at the beginning of their relationship because she wanted to scream how much she loved her.

When they got to Lizzie's house which was practically a home for the both of them Y/N took everything she was holding and put them in place.

"Would you like a bath?"


"Not with me, just to relax a bit." she assured her

Y/N knew that Olivia might not be comfortable with being naked together yet, even though it's nothing sexual she wanted to respect her and let her get comfortable and be at peace with it whenever she's ready.

"Umm, sure. Thank you." She smiled sweetly

"Just relax, I'll call you when it's ready."

Y/N got up the stairs and started to prepare her a warm bath. The temperature was perfect, not too hot or too cold so Olivia can relax her tensed muscles.

When it was ready she called her upstairs and let her have some alone time.

After about 15 minutes Lizzie came back. "Hey."

"Hey Liz."

"How is she?" "Umm, I'm not sure... she's not really talking much, she's taking a bath now."

Lizzie smiled and brushed her fingers through Y/N's hair.

"Are you okay baby?" she asked softly and Y/N sighed, "I'm okay mama, i'm just worried about her."

Lizzie tilted her head with a soft smile on her face, "I know, you love her but you're also doing the right things to take care of her. You didn't even hesitate to take her back here when she started feeling anxious and you let her take a bath to relax. You love her a lot baby I can tell."

"I do love her a lot."

"I'm going to make some dinner, something you want in particular?"

"Anything is fine really, I can never say no to your food."

Lizzie giggled, "So...maybe some...pasta and a salad?"

"Yes, that sounds amazing mama, I'm going to check on Olivia if that's okay."

"Of course sweetheart, I'll call you when dinner is ready."

Y/N smiled and walked up the stairs, she knocked softly at the door.

"Baby are you done with the bath?" she asked softly. She just started calling Olivia baby and Olivia couldn't get over how cute it was.

"Yeah, I'm getting dressed."

"Okay, I'm going to take a quick shower. Liz is here she's making dinner you can go join her i'll be there in 10 minutes."

"M'kay." Olivia mumbled

After taking a quick shower Y/N went downstairs. She was met with the sweet sight of Lizzie and Olivia chatting softly. It made her smile thinking about how much she loves the both of them so much.

My mama and future wife she thought to herself.

Okay Y/N calm down you just started dating, She reminded herself.

"Hey sweetheart, the pasta is almost ready, have a seat." Lizzie said softly.

After eating and chatting about the day they had at work they all went to bed.

Like always Olivia didn't leave Y/N's side, she cuddled close to her chest while Y/N brushed her fingers through her soft hair.

Y/N could suddenly feel warm tears on her shirt and felt Olivia's body slightly shaking in her arms.


"Baby what's wrong?"

Olivia sniffled, "I'm fine don't worry about it."

"Baby, you're clearly not fine, talk to me, why are you crying?"

"It's just.... I keep getting flashbacks and um I got a couple of them today and I just can't- It's so hard." she sobbed softly

Y/N squeezed her, tightening the hug, not too tight to make her uncomfortable but just as tight to help her feel the comfort.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here." she cooed to her

She slowly guided her head to rest on her chest, "You hear this? you hear my heartbeat?" Y/n asked and Olivia nodded against her.

"I'm here with you, we're at home, you're safe. I got you baby."

Y/N let Olivia cry into her chest for as long as she needed to. Her heart ached with every tear she felt dropping on her shirt.

"Thank you I lov- I don't know what I would do without you."

"You don't need to thank me, do you want to try and get some sleep?" Y/N asked softly


"Okay, good night baby." Y/N said as she pulled Olivia closer to her

"Good night baby."

That was the day Olivia knew she fell in love with Y/N, she was in for a wild ride with the love of her life.

A/N: I hope you liked this one! Let me know what you think :)

Like always, don't forget to take care of yourselves! Always remember that i'm here if you need someone to talk to!

I love you all and I'll see you next!❤

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