19 years: Y/N & Family

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I recommend reading the last two chapters of "My future" before reading this one :)

Source of the characters: "My future"

Fluffff <3

I hope you'll enjoy!


Y/N woke up in the middle of the night to crying. "Baby what's going on?" Olivia mumbled sleepily.

"It's Leigh, I got her baby. go back to sleep."

Leigh Gaia Davis Olsen.

And if you're wondering who Leigh is, she's Y/N and Olivia's 3 year old daughter.

And if you're also wondering if she's named after Leigh Shaw, you are absolutely correct. Her middle name is Gaia simply because Y/N and Olivia are obsessed with Greek mythology and they LOVED that name.

Y/N quickly got out of bed and into Leigh's room. When she got there she saw Leigh sitting in her bed crying her eyes out.

"Angel, what's wrong?" she cooed and quickly brought her little girl into her embrace. Leigh looked at her, her big green eyes filled with tears.

She got the green eyes from Olivia, Y/N could've swore this family has something with these green eyes genes.

"Are you okay my love? Are you hurt?" Y/N asked softly and Leigh shook her head.

"I had a- a nightmare mommy." she mumbled as she cried, "Oh baby, it's okay I'm here, mommy is here." she cooed softly

"Do you want to tell me what your dream was about?"

"It- it was about the purple guy." Y/N looked at her confused, "What purple guy angel?"

"Fanos." she mumbled (Thanos)

"Angel...did you watch grandma's movie with auntie Aria?"

Leigh just nodded and nuzzled her face into Y/N's neck. "My love, Aria told you it was scary for you."

"I'm sorry mommy." she whispered

"Don't be sorry baby, but you need to listen to auntie Aria. She knows what's best for you, she loves you very much."

"I love her too."

"I know you do baby, how about you sleep with me and mama in bed tonight?" "Yes please."

Y/N picked her up from her bed and walked back to her bedroom, to her surprise Olivia looked at them when they entered the room. "Is everything okay?" she asked in a sleepy raspy voice.

"Nightmare." Y/N answered simply and Olivia opened her arms for the little girl in her wife's arms.

"I love you mama." Leigh mumbled against her neck

"I love you too baby."

"I love you mommy." "I love you too angel, get some sleep."

Not even 5 minutes later Leigh was sound asleep between her mommys.

"Good night my love." Y/n whispered and before kissing Olivia's forehead.

"Good night baby."

The next morning they all came over to Lizzie's house to celebrate Aria's 17th birthday. They knocked on the door and Lizzie opened it with a huge smile on her face.

"Good morning beautiful girls!"

"Granny!" Leigh squealed and Lizzie picked her up. "Hey sweet girl, I missed you!"

Things I never got to say (One shots)Where stories live. Discover now