Nightmares: Wanda & Her children

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Source of the characters: "A soulmate who wasn't meant to be"


If you have any requests please let me know!! I need some ideas :)


4am on a saturday.

The night air was filled with the sound of the thunderstorm outside.

Sophia slept alone since Ivy and Kate were on a mission far away.

Everyone was sound asleep in their bedroom, except for Wanda.

She was asleep but she tossed and turned in her bed as the nightmare consumed her.

~Wanda's nightmare~

"Let go of my children!" Wanda yelled

"Mom, it's okay!" Sophia choked out as the man strangled her

"Let go of them!" Wanda yelled again, she tried to use her powers but they didn't work. "What...?" she whispered and looked at her hands

"You think I'll let you have them just like that?" the man chuckled, "You're going to watch them all die slowly... slowly." he said as he choked Sophia harder.

Sophia fought him, trying to get out of his grip but she failed. She was slowly losing all control, her body going limp at the lack of oxygen.

Wanda wanted to scream but she couldn't, she felt every muscle in her body hurt when she watched as he threw her daughter on the floor.

Billy and Tommy were next. She watched as the man got a gun out and aimed it at their foreheads.

She wanted to scream, she wanted to move and do something but she couldn't.

~Back to reality~

As small whimpers left her mouth her forehead wrinkled. When a thunder shook the night's sky she jolted awake breathing heavily.

Not wasting a single second she jumped off her bed, her legs almost giving out on her.

Her heart was in an endless race, but she kept running. When she reached Sophia's bedroom which was closer than the twins room, she kicked the door open making Sophia stir awake.

"Hmm what?" Sophia mumbled sleepily

"Oh thank god." Wanda breathed out and rushed to pull Sophia into her embrace.

To say Sophia was utterly confused was an understatement. Her mother squeezed her tight, "Mama what's going on?" Sophia asked when she felt warm tears dropping on her shoulder.

Wanda pulled away and cupped her face, "You're okay baby, you're okay." she said shakily and kissed her forehead.

"Yes... I am... Mama what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing baby, I need to see the twins." Wanda said quickly and rushed out of the room.

Sophia ran after her, she was genuinely confused about the whole situation.

Wanda quickly opened the twins' door watching them asleep. She let out a long breath and walked to give them both a kiss on the forehead.

"Mom?" Tommy asked as he stirred awake.

"Hey baby hey, I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry."

"Mom? what time is it?" Billy asked and she turned around to look at him.

"It's the middle of the night baby, I'm sorry I woke you up." She apologized softly as another thunder shook the compound.

"Mama." Sophia whispered softly as she came behind her and placed her hands on her shoulders.

"Don't worry about it, just making sure you're okay."

"Mom, you wouldn't be waking up in the middle of the night rushing into our rooms in panic if it was nothing."

Wanda sighed and sat down on Tommy's bed, Sophia and Billy were quick to join them, as they were all sitting together on the bed.

"Fine I uh, I had a dream that...something bad happened to you and I know... I know it wasn't real I just... I needed to know you were okay."

Wanda sighed and gave her kids a soft look. She loved them more than anything. Her children were her first priority no matter what.

"My beautiful babies." she cooed softly, "I love you all so much, never forget that."

"We love you too mama, don't worry we are never leaving you." Sophia said sweetly

"Family is forever, right mom?" Tommy said softly, making Wanda smile brightly with a hint of tears glistening in her eyes.

"That's right, and I love each..." she kissed Tommy's forehead

"And every..." she kissed Billy's forehead

"One of you..." she kissed Sophia's forehead.

They all smiled and snuggled up to each other in a big warm cuddle.

Wanda felt as if the air that was lacking from her lungs finally came back. She could breathe again. She's with her kids, they're safe, she's safe, it's all going to be okay.

When they pulled apart Wanda tucked Billy and Tommy back in their beds, "I love you so much, sleep tight."

"We love you too mama." they both answered

Wanda and Sophia left the room and stopped next to Sophia's door. "Are you okay?" Sophia asked

"Now that I know that you all are okay, I am, yes." Wanda resured her softly

"I'm sorry mama."

Wanda frowned, "For what?"

"That you dreamed something like that, it must have been terrible."

Wanda placed her hand on Sophia's cheek and smiled, "You don't need to worry your sweet head about it, okay? I'm okay baby girl I promise."

Sophia nodded and Wanda pulled her into a tight hug, kissing the crown of her head.

"Sweet dreams my love." She whispered

"Night mama." Sophia said back and walked back into her room.

With a deep sigh Wanda plopped on the bed, She wasn't planning on going back to sleep. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

She was still pretty shaken up from the nightmare. But knowing her babies were safe made her heart feel a little less heavy.

They were her world, the reason she breathes, the reason she wakes up every morning.

She loved them more than herself.

She is their mother, and nothing could've changed that.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this one! :)

Like always, don't forget to take care of yourselves!! I love you all and I'll see you next❤

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