Mood lifter: Y/N & Olivia

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Source of the characters : "My future"

Lots of fluff <33

Don't forget to comment or message me if you have any requests :)


Olivia has been feeling a little down lately.

It wasn't anything specific, she was just stressed and exhausted.

Y/N decided to have a little fun since everyone has a day off today. She invited everyone to a karaoke bar to let loose a little, everyone was so stressed lately but she mostly did it for Olivia, she wanted her to have fun even if it was just for a couple of hours.

"Baby.." Y/N dragged the name as she approached Olivia with a smile on her face.

"Hey." Olivia offered a small smile

"LIsten I know you've been feeling a little down these past couple of days so I was thinking maybe we can go to a karaoke bar tonight with everyone."

"Baby I don't know if it's a good idea-"

"Wait before you say no, hear me out. We will go and have some fun and I promise if you want to leave we will, No arguing, nothing, you just say you want to leave and I'll take you back home and cuddle you until you'll get tired of me."

Olivia smiled softly, "I could never get tired of you."

"So is that a yes...?" Y/N asked as her eyes sparkled in excitement

"Fine, but you have to let everyone know."

"Already done."

Olivia scoffed and smiled, "How were you so sure that I'll say yes?"

"Because, my love..." She got closer to her and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I have my ways to get you to say yes."

"Oh is that so?" "Mhmm, and besides I like seeing you drunk."

Olivia let out a short giggle, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, you're just so adorable when you're drunk. I'm not gonna drink so we can get home safe which means you can drink as much as you want but not too much because I don't want you to have a bad hangover tomorrow."

Olivia smiled brightly, "Oh, I haven't seen this kind of smile in a while, something in particular?" Y/N teased

"Shut up." Olivia laughed and pushed her playfully

Y/N laughed and pulled Olivia into a soft passionate kiss, "Hmm, I love you so much." she hummed against her lips.

"I love you too princess, when are we leaving?"

"In about an hour."

"M'kay, I should go get ready then."

"Mmm- hmm." Y/N nodded and kissed her lips again.


"There you are!" Lizzie said as Y/N and Olivia entered the club

"What took you so long?" Scarlett asked, "Umm we took a shower so it took us some time."

"You took a shower you say?" Florence raised her eyebrow with a smirk on her face, "Get your mind out of the gutter Flo."

"I'm sure you had fun." Kathryn teased and kissed Olivia's cheek

"Oh my god." she breathed out and laughed

"Let's have some drinks." Florence said

"What would you like my love?" Y/N asked

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