The Apology and the Characters

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*Authors note* Do not read this if you don't want to read the apology from me and the characters if any of you have forgotten.

The apology:

Macy: Coolkitty1020 where have you been? It's has been like 5 months since you last uploaded!

Barbara: SHAME ON YOU!

Coolkitty1020: Trust you to say something like that! Just makes me feel worse! I am sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! If you could see my face you would know I am sorry! You see, I started writing the next chapter but then I didn't know how to express my ideas you know?

Barbara: No we don't know!

Coolkitty1020: Ok...... I just wanted to say I am sorry that I haven't written and thank you everyone who has read Hogwarts Vampire! I really appreciate it! Also when I was writing the latest chapter, I realised I hadn't put Jo King's name in it! I had to call her 'the slayer' and then I had a mental blank about The slayer's name. I then realised it was Jo King.


Barbara: Worst excuse ever!

Macy: You know, for once I agree with Barbara!

Coolkitty1020: Ok here's the deal! I have alot of school work and stuff to do at home and I got side tracked. But don't worry I will try and upload more!

Macy: Ok, well we know you'll try your hardest.

Jo King: What if your hardest isn't enough?

Barbara: Shut it Jo King!

Coolkitty1020: Jo King, do you want to be made into a green slime monster in the next chapter?

Jo King: I guess not.

Coolkitty1020: Well I better write the next chapter and I am sorry if any of the other chapters are late!


So, I was reading my story over and I realised that you readers may get confused with the Characters! This may be because there names are confusing but they are funny (say Imma Kettle, Jo King and Dee Zaster out loud) and have pun intended? Right?

Macy Smith-If you don't know who she is I think your reading a different story. She's a vampire but she takes blood tablets/lollies to help her thirst. She attends Hogwarts and is in Gryfinndor. She can run super fast,  climb on walls,  levitate, .......... At Hogwarts, she stays in a room with Imma Kettle, Jo King and Dee Zaster. She also has an imaginary friend called Barbara? Or maybe she's something like a sub-conscious?

James Potter (spitting image of his dad minus the glasses)- He is Harry Potter's son. He is best friends with Plankton Willow. He is in Gryfinndor. He talks to Macy and they have become friends.

Plankton Willow (black hair)- Weird but different in a good way. He gets along with Macy.

Imma Kettle (red hair)- A Twilight fan. What more can I say?

Jo King- Evil Vampire Slayer.

Dee Zaster- She's crazy. You don't know much about her yet. Shes the one that suggested the boys come into the girls dorm and they could all have make overs (beauty school).

Vincent Price (blondie)- The pun behind his name is that Vincent Price is the guy that had the voice in Thriller "Darkness falls across the land..." He is in Slytherin. He dislikes Macy enough to try and kill her. btw I didn't want to put Scorpius (Malfoys son) in because that would just make it the same as most stories.

Lorcan and Lysander Scamander (twins)- Actually real characters. They are Luna and Rolf''s sons. They love music and they like Macy. They don't think shes a evil Vampire

Teddy Lupin (blue haired guy)-Is in a relationship with Victorie. He looks out for Macy.

Victorie- In a relationship with Teddy. She was the one kissing him in the common room

Read Chapter 10!

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