Hogwarts Vampire-Chapter 7

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Author Note-G'day Wattpaders! It sunny outside, the birds and chirping and oh...look at that! There's Harry Potter! (I wish) Anyway, I might not be able to post the chapters every week cause STUPID school just started! My English teacher is a freaking DRAGON (except for the tail or wings but I have heard of her to breath fire)! Then my maths teacher is a bore and I almost fell asleep in class. Plus my geography teacher started going on about RESPECT and the whole time she was looking at me and my friends (That was because we may have been whispering when she was talking but HEY! You gotta earn Respect). As I was saying that I may not be able to upload that often. :( Its a sad and cruel world but check out the pictures to the side! Its got new characters that are in the next chapter! ooooo! A little teaser! You will be wondering who and what they are? Eh?? I am leaving you thinking and wishing you knew who they are! Aren't I so bad ass! >:D (If the photos don't work I am sorry because this is my first time! Well it didn't work as you can see! Instead I put a pic of Teddy Lupin and if you haven't read the books then you don't know who he is!

Hogwarts Vampire-Chapter 7

Macys Pov-

"Teddy is your name?" I asked.

"Yep", the blue haired boy said popping the 'p'.

"Aww, that's so cute!" I said wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He chuckled and hugged me back.

We were almost at the end of the corridor when we came to a dead end with a painting.The painting was of a chubby lady with a pink silk dress on. The lady looked like one of those lady's that sings opera.

"Password", she said in a high and squeaky voice.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia" Teddy said with a grin (mimbulus mimbletonia is that cactus plant Neville had).

The potrait of the lady opened up to reveal a passage. Teddy stepped through and beckoned me to follow.

"Who was that?" I asked stepping into a dim room with a crackling fire.  Obviously this is the Griffindor Common room I thought.

 There was a large fireplace, a large notice board and 2 armchairs and 2 couches. All the room was cover in thick red carpet.  There were 2 staircases, one on the right and one on the left. Teddy sat down on one of the armchairs and I sat on the one opposite him.

"That was that 'Fat Lady'" Teddy said from the chair.

"Shhh! She might hear you!" I said putting a finger to my lips to emphasise the meaning of be quiet! No one liked being called fat? I mean if the 'fat lady' heard that and she happened to not let you into the common room I wouldn't blame her. Fat is not a nice word when it is used to describe someone.

"No silly, that's her name!!" he said while running a hand through his blue hair.

"Oh!" I said while blushing.

"Sorry about falling on you in the Dinning Hall" I said to Teddy with a sad look on my face. I really did feel bad about embarrassing him in front of the whole school.

"It's alright, Price is just a jerk" he said, while looking into the fire.

"And I thought I was the only one who thought that" I said. A blonde girl walked passed and winked at Teddy with a seductive expression. She then decided she was going to have a 'long nice cozy' chat with Teddy and sat opposite him.

Her bottom was centimeters away from me. What was she doing? And before I could even scream in terror. Her bony and skinny butt was perched on my knee. 

"Arhh!" I screamed while pushing her off me. Her bleached blonde hair was flying everywhere and her perfect manicured nails dug into the chair to stop her from falling.

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