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After the it was the day for Kirishima to have a memories test."Alright you ready?"the doctor asked.Kirishima nod while Mitsuki was watching what is the result."Alright,first question.Do you remember what happened?"Kirishima nod then saying it.After a few hours asking the doctor looked at Mitsuki and said."May i please know what's the result doctor?"Mitsuki asked."From what you can see.He didnt lost any of his memory.So,he may go back home."The doctor smiled."Mhm! I did see that.Thank you i will bring him back to his home."Mitsuki said."How about you go pack your stuff?"Mitsuki said."A-alr-right."Kirishima stuttered.After he packed,Mitsuki took his bag and started to walk."A-auntie! Y-you dont have to c-carry my b-bag.I-i can bring it m-myself."Kirishima said."Its gine honey! Plus you just got out from the hospital so you still havent really healed."Mitsuki smiled."I-if you say so auntie... A-also th-thank you v-very much."Kirishima said as his voice got more low.Mitsuki smiled then hold his hand."Lets go at my house first to have the dinner then i will send you to your home okay?"Kirishima nod."Great! Or maybe you can just sleepover at my house? So you can have a little friend to talk to?"Kirishima looked at Mitsuki."Even if i say its gine you will still make me to sl-sleep at y-your ho-house right?"Mitsuki giggled walking into the lift."That's true Kiri! You need to have someone to talk to."Mitsuki said."I guess i-i will j-just sleep th-there..."Kirishima said."Great!!"Mitsuki smiled happily.


"Lets go."Mitsuki said."Ah alright."Kirishima said.As they walk in,they saw there was 2 people that was the same age as Bakugou and Kirishima was sitting in the living room."Shyra!"Mitsuki shouted."Sakura!"When they heard it,they intensely ran towards Mitsuki."Auntie!"They two shouted then hug Mitsuki."How are you two?"Mitsuki asked."Were good!"Mitsuki smiled as the twins replied."Uhm... Who's this girl?"Shyra asked."He is Eijirou Kirishima.And he is a boy."Mitsuki said."Ohh... Nice to meet you!"Sakura said excitedly."Well I'm Sakura and she is Shyra.Her quirk is flower while mine is flower fire."Shyra said."Uhm... H-hi.M-my name is E-eiji-rou Ki-kirishima.J-just call me K-kirishima or any-anything."Shyra looked at him with her glancing eyes."What's your quirk?"She asked."Well,lets just talk later.I will tell you two what happening later."They nod.As Mitsuki smiled she then shouted Bakugou's name."Katsuki!!!"A little long wait,then the response can now be heard clear."What old hag?!!!"Bakugou shouted walking out from the kitchen."Help Kiri to put his bag upstairs in your room."Mitsuki said."Eh! N-no need.I can do it myself.P-plus i-i shouldn't tr-treat him like th-that."Mitsuki smiled."Its fine..."As Bakugou realized that he saw Kirishima he then walk to Mitsuki and asked."What's the matter?","Bring Kiri back to your room."Mitsuki said straightly."Ughh..."Bakugou rolled his eyes.He then pick up the bag and walk towards the lift."B-bakugou-S-san!"Kirishima shouted a little low while running to catch up Bakugou."What?"He asked."N-nothing! I just wanna g-go with y-you..."Kirishima said running towards Bakugou because he was afraid if anything happened."Ugh whatever..."Bakugou rolled his eyes then push the lift button.When they were in the lift Kirishima looked down embarrased looking at how Bakugou just carry his bag straight away after his mom said it was Kirishima's bag."Oi,how is your body?"Bakugou asked.'He usually didnt asked me a question like a caring one...',"U-uhm... Its good!"Kirishima said."Great then."Bakugou said.


They all eat while while Kirishima was just staring at his plate."Oi, eat up."Bakugou said."Katsuki!"Mitsuki sighed at her son then looked at Kirishima patting his head."Kiri... You need to eat if you didn't your stomach will becoming more hurt."Kirishima sighed then nod.When he started eating Mitsuki smiled then ask him."So,after this what you always do?","I-i usually st-study..."He stuttered."Great! Then you will study in Katsuki's room? Is that okay?"Kirishima nod."But where do i sleep a-aunt?"Masaru smiled."Just sleep in Katsuki's room."Kirishima blushed nodding to it."Hey!!"Bakugou shouted."No reason! Accept it!"Mitsuki said."But where do we sleep?!"Shyra ask."Yiu guys will sleep in the same roon too... But i will ask some of the maids to artange a little."Shyra and Sakura nod.When Kirishima was done he put the plate in the sink.Then when he was about to come out from the kitchen,Bakugou hold his hand."You wanna eat Ch-chocolate?"Bakugou asked while Kirishima blushed hearing he ask him that."S-sure?..."After Bakugou heard that he then took one of the white chocolate from one of the cabinet."Th-thank you..."Kirishima thank Bakugou."Yeah yeah..."Kirishima opened the chocolate then eat it."After this your gonna study right?"Bakugou ask."Mhm!"Kirishima nodded."Alright.Lets go to my room,just bring your chocolate it will be fine."Kirishima stop eating then follow Bakugou."I-i wanna ask... "Bakugou looked at Kirishima."Wh-why aren't you tal-talking t-to y-your cou-cousins?"Kirishima stuttered.Bakugou looked down."I did... But i think that i need to look up for you first before them."Kirishima blushed looking down eating his chocolate."Well how many days are you gonna stay here?"Bakugou asked."I d-dont kn-know..."Kirishima said."Okay?"


"C-can i pl-please have one f-foolscape?"Bakugou looked at Kirishima then rolled his eye."Ugh,here."Bakugou said giving the foolscape.Kirishima look at Bakugou then thank him."How many hours you need to study?"Bakugou asked."Uhm... I only need 45 minutes to study..."Kirishima said."Okay then,hurry up because you have school tomorrow."Bakugou said."A-al-alright..."Kirishima stuttered.A while later,the 2 cousins come in."Katsuki-Kun,are you gonna play game with us?"Shyra ask while she was staring at Kirishima."Hell yeah!!"Bakugou shouted but when he shouted Kirishima cover his ears.When Shyra and Sakura saw that they rolled their eyes."Ugh! Do you really hate his voice? Do you guys even a friend?"Shyra ask."U-uhm... Its j-just i-i didnt l-like to h-hear peo-people sh-shouting..."Kirishiam said looking down at his paper."I'm not talking to you shit."Shyra said."He is my friend."Bakugou said."But i dont see it was."Shyra said."Oh and i hear that your father died? Well that was a sad news... Very sad."Shyra said giggling.Bakugou eyes widened looking at Shyra."Hey st-","I also heard that your a orphan now? So you have no parents? Poor you!"Shyra continued."Hey stop!"Bakugou shouted."Look at me when im talking to you shit!"Shyra said pulling Kirishima's hair looking at her.When she look at Kirishima,she saw she saw he was crying."Oh so your a crybaby? Pfft...."Shyra laughed."Enough!"Sakura shouted pulling Shyra away using her quirk."Hey! Put me down! Saku-","I said... Enough!"She shouted.Sakura then look at Bakugou."Go bring her to the gaming room."Sakura said.Bakugou sighed then do what she told him to."Are you okay?"Sakura ask."I-im fine..."Kirishima said."Good."Sakura said then left the room."Suddenly when Kirishima look at the bed he saw Sakura was sitting on it politely."Your not okay... That was just my shadow..."Sakura said.Kirishima eyes widened."Look,im so sorry for my sister attitude earlier.She always like that..."Kirishima look down."I-its fine","Now i need to go.Take care."Sakura said then leave the room.Kirishima smiled then continue studying.


"Bullshit!! Who even is that boy?!"Shyra shouted."Shut up.He's my friend."Bakugou said."Ugh!! But im your cousin! Why didnt you defend me?! Why him!"Shyra shouted again."Because he just lost his father you shit!!"Sakura suddenly came in and slap her using her hair."Didnt mom already told you not to make a problem?"Sakura ask."Yeah she did.... I forgot... Sorry i guess..."Shyra said."Now lets just play... I dont wanna waste my time..."Sakura said."Fine..."Bakugou sighed then gave them the controller.


"Your gonna go to school with us right? Tomorrow i mean..."Sakura ask."Of course dumbass!"Bakugou shouted."Okay."Sakura said then continue playing."Hey,i think we should go to sleep... Its already been 2 hours we are playing..."Shyra said."Lets go to sleep then."Sakura said.Bakugou looked at Shyra."Lets go.. J-just leave all the console there... The maid will put it back."Bakugou said."Okay."Sakura said.They 3 then walk into Bakugou's room.When they walked in they then saw Kirishima was sleeping on Bakugou's bed.'Why is he sleeping on my bed?!'Bakugou thought blushing.When they asleep,suddenly Bakugou heard the door was opened.'o-old hag?'Bakugou thought.'What she doing here?!'When Bakugou saw that Mitsuki was about to come towards his bed he then pretending to sleep.A little while,Mitsuki then leaves.'What is she even doing in here?!'Bakugou thought curiousing.


Kirishima was getting ready suddenly he realized that he didnt know how to wear a tie."T-tie..."Sakura look at him with a smile.She snap her finger that active her quirk to help to tie Kirishima's tie,then said."No problem.I know you didnt know how to wear a tie.","Th-thank you."Kirishima thanked her with a smile."Lets go."Sakura said.Kirishima smile back then walk to the lift with her.After they all eat the breakfast,Kirishima and Bakugou's bus was already here."Bye!"Shyra shouted.Bakugou didnt respond.After Shyra and Sakura's bus already here,they then leave.

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