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When they already arrived at school,Bakugou and Kirishima was walking together to their locker."Ouch!"Kirishima jumped a little when all the books fell out from his locker."Can't you tidy your own locker?"Bakugou ask closing his locker."I-its just i was rushing going b-back home th-thats why..."Bakugou sighed then help him to pick up the book."Y-you dont need to-","Ugh! Here!"Bakugou refused to help Kirishima even he dont want it."Th-thank you i guess...?"Kirishima thanked Bakugou."Whatever,just take your science book and were gonna go to the canteen for breakfast."As Kirishima realized that he didnt bring his money,he then told bakugou he's not hungry."Atleast come with me and drink something."Bakugou said grabbing Kirishima's hand."O-okay..."As they arrived Bakugou then order Kirishima a coffee latte and one coffe for him too.

After they two got the coffee they then sit and suddenly it was all silent like only a ghost talking to them.So because Bakugou know that Kirishima wouldn't gonna talk he then started the conversation,"Ehem so,a-are you ready for the exam to pass UA?"Kirishima looked at Bakugou then nod."Good then..."He stopped then a second pass Kirishima then ask,"Wh-what ab-about y-you?..."Bakugou looked at Kirishima drinking his coffee."Same as you... And yeah i bet im gonna step my feet first into the UA!"He smiled evily.Kirishima didnt react he just sip his coffee a little then wipe his mouth."W-well imma go now... Cuz class i-is starting soon..."Kirishima said."Dont go! I-i mean s-stay here first... I wanna say something..."Kirishima didnt refused because he know that Bakugou aint gonna stop if he didnt get what he want."O-okay then.."Kirishima then sit back down on his chair."Look,i know that we broke up but... I-uhh the one that you see the other day was m-my brother kissing his boyfriend so it means the boy isnt me... Its my brother and i did it because i thought your gonna be jealous and wanted to get back with me so i think-"Bakugou stop as he feel something so smooth was on his lips and also a very soft tongue."K-Kirishima...."Bakugou blushed as they stop kissing."I-i just felt like i had to do it cuz i-i never meet any-anyone who was really always taking care of me even when im not with them... "As Kirishima finished saying it he smiled."I see... So uhh you know w-wanna get back like how we use to be?"Bakugou ask awkwardly."It also took Kirishima awhile to process it thrn when he decide it he smiled then nod."But,lets not keep it as a secret? Can we?"Bakugou ask for Kirishima opinion."Mhm!"Kirishima nod smiling hugging Bakugou.

So then after they finished their breakfast,they then went to their classroom.

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