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Sorry for the late update this chspter was a bit harder than we thought. Its a bit short but i hope you enjoy. So here's the next chapter...

Recap: I cover his mouth with my own before he can finish. When we both finally pull apart I run back home as fast as I can before he can say anything to me.


I finally get back to my house, and my dick of a brother pushes me into the wall. "What the fuck is your problem , dickhead?" I ask completely furious that he had the audacity to piss me off right now.
"I wanna know why the fuck you smell like Alpha Liam, and why you are covered in dirt? What were you doing, being a whore. Did you try and seduce the Alpha. What would he want with a fat slu-!" SMACK!!
He never got to finish because, my hand had a mind of it's own and had slapped him in his face.
"Do you really think that low of me? You think I'd give it up for the first person who asked? Liam is my mate, well was. I don't know where we stand, he was about to reject me, before I kissed him, and ran away." I was seething and in tears by the time I finished, and judging by the look on his face he didn't believe me.
"You really think I believe that bullshit, Liam doesn't have a mate. And even if he did, it wouldn't be you. You want to know why, because your a fat, ugly, worthless bitch,who gives it up to the first guy who offers."
I was crying. I was pissed off,and confused wondering why my own brother thought so low of me.
I run to my room, and before you think I'm about to run away I don't. I go to my closet and pull out half of my clothes.
"Trevor thinks I'm a whore, and Liam wants someone prettier and sexier than me well I'll show them both."
Have you ever seen that movie Easy A? Well that's what I'm doing now, I'm going to show them all. Except for the whole, pretend to get an STD and get chased around by a bunch of bible thumpers. Or the dance number at the end of the movie.

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