Chapter one: Introduction

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Narrator -  Oh Steven you're awake ! Damn it's so cliché for a beginning, my story has to be perfect and original as well but you know what who are people to judge others work. They don't know anything about the subject ,right ?

What do you think Steven ?

-Steven : ...

-Narrator : HA that's why i like you Steven you're always in my side to help me, not like my wife KOFF KOFF. I'm just jokin' sweetie i love you. Have a good day !

Sorry it's just ,you know Women. So i was telling that yes you're always on my side thanks you. Oh wait you're not ? Oh okay so you think i'm crazy maybe ? 

-Steven : ...

- Narrator: You know what ? I understand it's okay. Why would you not go visit your office ?

So Steven decided to go visit his office what a strange choice, he knows very well his office he is going in every day , it's not like something will happen haha... Just jokin' nothing will happen. 

When Steven got out of his desk he noticed that no one was here not even Bruno who worked here like it was his home, Where did they gone ? That's what Steven wondered. 

How did he will get an answer ? Maybe he just missed something maybe it's day off for everyone.

Steven knows that something wasn't right. 


 Hum hum so Steven decided to see if anybody was still here. 


 I really need to calm down, sorry Steven i don't know what's happening to me. Oh yeah i haven't eat this morning let me take something. I'll be right back.

-Real Narrator: So The "Narrator"went take something to eat. For People who wonder why i'm here and why there is Two narrators. I'm the real one, writing the story ,the other one think he is the creator of the story. Complicated doesn't it ? I will make it simple for y'all.  
I am the real narrator who narrate a story where a guy who think control everything talk with someone named Steven. 

 Oh i think he's back. This silly guy is my creation after all i prefer to let him with the "fictive" narrator. Goodbye we'll maybe see each other again one day.

- Narrator : Sorry for the late i couldn't find the milk. So did you find something ?

- Steven : ...

- Narrator : Wait you didn't moved at all, what are you been doing while i was gone ?

- Steven :  ...

- Narrator : Oh i see just thinking about your life and everythin', i understand that. It's crazy like how your face talk for you i see all your emotions and toughts on your face.

- Steven : ...

- Narrator : Come on don't be as sensitive i'm not telling that you are weird you're just... In a certain way... Special. 

-Steven : ... 

-Narrator : It's okay to be special, always better than boring

-Steven : ...

-Narrator : So let's continue your visit, go in your boss office to see if there is something else.

Steven going in the opposite direction 

- Are you completely dumb Steven ? I mean how can't you know where is your boss office you come here EVERY DAY STEVEN. Wait i will make you do an IQ test i found on google it's named 

: "it's necessarily legit and perfectly true" a guy on twitter told me, i can believe him his nickname is " I don't lie" It will be okay Steven.

- Real Narrator : So they did the " Iq Test" on a computer at the Steven's office i let you see what's happen next.

-Narrator : Steven what "Computer infected " means ? That you have done the test, right ?

- Steven : ... 

- Narrator : Goddamn Steven why did i listen to a random guy on twitter. No wait, why don't YOU have tell me That it was a bad idea ? You wanted me to fail, right ? It's over i knew i shouldn't have believe you. Goodbye Steven.

The Narrator left his chair with rage

- Narrator Okay hum I forgot that it's my job and i have nothing either to do (my life is so boring if you could know), anyway so let's try to make you a little bit less stupid. Yeah that will be my goal finally a goal it's been literally 37 years i was waitin' for a goal, even if i wanted to don't see my wife anymore too, hum hum. That's our little secret okay Steven ? 

-Steven :  :) 

-Narrator : Right, but do not ever smile again, we don't smile here. Another joke obviously, No i'm serious don't ever smile again like that, " :) " it's really cringe don't do this. I don't want you to be a man like this weirdos always speaking with parentheses and you know this kind of things very cringe. Did i already told you how cringe people make me sick ? 

- Steven : say no with his head

- Narrator : Okay so i will explain you. When i was a kid i was used to be in very very cringe school class and at the beginning i was not very sensitive to that but again and again everyday it started to annoy me a lot and my old school days were just that : cringe everyday even when i was back home, on discord, people were embarrassing, it was to much for me so i've started to be very agressive with people like this. And that's why i can't support the cringe people now.

People can be embarrassing in a lot of way like : their humor , their memes ,how they speak, how they react (especially if they overreact) i've got a sort of friend like this, named Melissa always overreacting and screaming for nothing it made me want to kill her a lot of time. Anyway did you know now what i mean by not be cringe ?

- Steven : ...

- Narrator : Happy that you understand Steven you give me a little more hope in you.

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