Chapter 3: Don't touch the down button.

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- You really thought i would write this just right after the 2nd part

We'll see in a few months.

- Never mind i'm already back. So let's continue Steven's story now. Have a great time reading it

-Narrator: Hey Steven how are you today ?

-Steven: ...

-You seems fine today like always good to see. In theses days it began even more rare to see people feeling well. For exemple i don't feel good at all.

- ...

- Oh you ask me why ?

- ; )

- I'm gonna rip your face off if you do that again, but if you want to know i'll tell you. So the fact is that i feel lonely. (Remember this word full of meaning Steven). I feel lonely yeah, i don't have any particular reason to feel like that but who told that you're forced to have a reason to feel bad. That makes me feel vulnerable and like i'm not in my place, like i'm not good where i am. I hope you understand even if it's hard , in fact i'm telling that i don't know why i feel this way, i have plenty of friends, no one really hate me, but still i maybe want something more i don't know with who i want that and what does it means but i'll maybe feel better if i get a true love story, i need that i think, i need to have feelings for someone and i'm ready for it, i'm ready to give all my love to someone. And i feel that this person is already really close. But i'm not gonna fall for it, i'm not gonna try again, i already suffered enough for love. i'm gonna wait even if it's gonna take time. And more it will take time more i'll feel lonely and more i'm gonna close up on myself. Becoming what you can call a really hard weeb, i'll maybe feel alone and abandoned but i'll stand still and only think about me. I hope i wouldn't go in this way. My mind wouldn't support all of that enough time. Anyway i'm glad to have you Steven at least someone can hear me in this world.

- ...

-Thanks Steven... Goddammit i destroyed the happy and funny tone of the story, i can maybe do a racist or homophobic joke to make people laugh ?

-...  Says no with his head

- Oh Yeah i forget, in theses time if you offend just a bit someone you're gettin' destroyed on twitter. By the way i have 14 followers you're jealous huh ?


-Yeah i know that's a lot isn't it, but wait a sec Elon just bought twitter and he told that we can now say whatever we want ! That's wonderful ! So i can make one ?

-... Says no with his head

-Okay okay i wouldn't. So what are we doing now ? 


-Oh yeah we needed to find all of your coworkers. So let's see if your boss is here.

They climbed up the stairs and arrived to an elevator.

-How is your boss office is that high ? The building is only 3 levels high ! Anyway let's take the elevator.

They went into the elevator.

-So you want to go up or down ? Dumb question i know, you obviously want to go up because that's where your boss office is.

Steven Clicks on the down button

- Hum well that's an interesting choice. Why not i guess, why not try something special for once.

The elevator open his doors and nothing interesting shows up.

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